17~Summertime sadness

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~summertime sadness~

*Kaylia's POV*

"Kay! Wake up!" Matt yells. I rub my eyes and sit up. "What." I groan. "we're late! Hurry!" Matt rushes. I jump out of bed and go to wash my face. I do my routine and rush with the guys.

When we got to rehearsal we just acted normal so Bart wouldn't really notice. But that didn't really work. "I called you guys last night to tell you not to be late!" He scolded. "We kind of stayed up too late..." Shawn mumbled.

"Well go along and rehearse. I can't believe you guys are late." He sighed. Shawn was first. He messed up by not bringing his guitar so he had to sing without it. I was next. I forgot my guitar too so I had to sing without it. Everyone else went and rehearsal was finally over.

When we all got back to the hotel, we were just laying around in my room. "Does anyone want to go swimming?" I ask. "There's a beach just down the road." Matt replies. "Let's go." Cameron says. Everyone agrees and we start getting ready.

When we got to the beach only a couple of people were there. Cam and I were talking about surfing. "You've never surfed?!" He asked. "Nope. Never." I reply. "Let's go then!" He pulled me to the guest services place.

We paid the lady for surfing lessons, then went over to the lifeguard. I'm not gonna lie, he was hot! "Hey guys! My name is Kyle and I'm giving you a surfing lesson today." He smiled.

"I really don't need a lesson, she does." He snickered and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, well let's get started." He states.

After 30 minutes, I felt like a total pro. I could already do 3 tricks! "Wow, you're a natural. You were born to surf!" Kyle said. I smile. "I think you're ready to go!" He exclaims and I smile wider.

After a long time of surfing, we go to see what the others are doing. They were just swimming. Matt comes out of the water and we start making small talk. Then, I get an idea.

"Let's have a sand fight!" I exclaim. I grab a handful of wet sand, throw it at Matt, and run. He throws sand back, and I scream. I grab two handfuls of same and chase him.

When I finally catch him, I shove the sand in his face. I run straight into the water. Let's just say I won the fight.

We ended the day with a huge bonfire. Shawn was singing songs with his guitar. "Hey, You should sing a song, Kay." Shawn hands me the guitar. "Uh, I don't know." I fake a smile.

Everyone started cheering on and I sigh. "Fine." I groan. I start playing 'Lights Down Low' by MAX. Everyone started singing along.

We stayed at the beach for a while more. "What time is it?" I ask. "1 am." Matt replies. "Wow ." I sit down. "Want to head to the hotel?" Cam asks. "Uh, I kind of wanted to watch the sun rise." I reply. "Ah. Let's do it then." Shawn adds more wood to the bonfire.

I thew on a random sweater and sat on a log. The boys were playing around and talking. While I just sat there playing random strings on Shawn's guitar.

"Hey." Shawn sits next to me. "Nice sweater." He smiles and I look down. "Oh." I smile. "You can give it back if you want." I offer him his sweater back and shakes his head. "You look cold. You need it more than I do."

We stared at each other for a moment. I try to speak but no words come out. He chuckles. "Wow Vega, I never knew how beautiful you could look in one of my sweaters on a beach." He looks down. "Oh Mendes, that's the thought that comes to mind?" I smile and smash my lips onto his.

The feelings all come rushing back. Why did I ever leave this boy? Why didn't I see that he is the one?

Everyone awe's and we smile. I start blushing and grip the guitar. "Awe! She's blushing!" Matt smiles. "Piss off!" I cover my face with the sweater. Shawn laughs.

The sun rise was beautiful. "You were right to stay." Shawn whispers to me as we sit on the sand. "What can I say, Mendes? I am a smart cookie." I smile. "Yeah you are." It was silence after that. Everyone was just enjoying the sun rise. I then get a text.

Blake😃~ Hey ! How's tour? I miss you!

I turn my phone off. I'll reply later, I'm too tired right now. After watching the sun rise we all head back to the hotel. I sat next to Shawn in the car and lay my head on his shoulder.

Best. Night. Ever.

(A|N): Okay so it's been a while 😂 I've been busy having no life and I've been having writers block. Soooo I'm just ugh a mess right now. Buuuut a good chapter so good bye my muffins !!!!

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