9~Home Not So Sweet Home

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~Home Not So Sweet Home~

*Shawn's POV*

I got off of the plane feeling sick. I can't believe this happened. I think I cried so much that no more tears will fall. I got a taxi to go home and called Kay's Mom. "Hello?" She answered. She sounds worse. "Hey- I was just wondering what hospital Kay is at?" I ask. She told me the hospital and hung up.

I went home, and obviously my family already knew. They let me go to the hospital by myself. When I got there Kay's momnwas sitting in the waiting room with her head in her hands. Oh no. "H-Hey." I walk up to her. "Hey hon." She sniffles as I sit next to her. "Did you ever get rest, or go home?" I ask her. "No.. I need to be here." She wipes her tears.

"Ms. Vega, go get some rest. I'll update you on everything. I Pro-" I stop myself. "I will tell you." I said and she nods. "Thank you Shawn." She pulls me into a quick hug and leaves. I start shaking my leg. I hope Her and Josh are okay. A nurse comes out. "Family of Kaylia Vega?" She calls. I run up.

"So, she made it through surgery, and we're waiting for her to wake up. We're taking blood at the moment to see what's causing the seizures she's been having." The nurse updates me. My heart skips a beat. "O-Okay thank you." I force a smile and sit down.

After waiting a few more minutes, crying, I get a call. It was Matt. "Hello?" I answer, trying to cover up the fact I was crying, but failing. "Hey, we just wanted to see how you were doing." Matt replies.

"She was in surgery. It's worse than I thought." My voice cracks. "I-I'm sorry dude." G speaks. "Yeah- She uh, She was having seizures and stuff too." My eyes were filled with tears. "Oh my god." I hear Cameron say. "I know." I reply.

The nurse comes back out. "Family of Kaylia Vega?" She says again. "Sorry guys, I have to go." I say and hang up. I walk up. "You can go and see her now if you like, she's awake." She smiles and I give a slight smile back. I call Kay's mom and tell her.

Josh, on the other hand is just fine. He got shot in his arm. I walk in and see Kaylia laying down. When she sees me her eyes light up. "You're supposed to be on tour!" She whispers. Something must've happened to her throat.

"Surprise." I smile and hug her. She pulls away and we look into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Next thing I know her lips smash onto mine and we start kissing. God, I love this girl.

*Kaylia's POV*

I close my eyes. I hear someone walking towards me and open my eyes. "You're supposed to be on tour!" I try to speak as clearly as possible to one of the best people in my life. "Suprise!" He smiles and hugs me. I pull away and look into his eyes. Then, I kiss him. Thank god he's here.

He pulls away and hugs me again. "I still can't believe you're here." I smile. "Well believe it. I was super worried." He replies.

*Shawn's POV*

Her mom walks in and I let go. Her mom hugs her as tight as she could. "Oh hon you're okay!" She kisses her forehead.

She walks over to me and thanks me. "Why does it smell like gas?" Kay asks. "What?" I ask. Kay's eyes started rolling to the back of her head, and her body spazzed. "W-What is happening?!" I ask as nurses pile in. Tears stream down my face. A nurse escorts me back into the waiting room.

"What the fuck?!" I yell. "She has to be okay!" I pace back and forth. "Sir, you need to calm down." The nurse says. "I don't need to do anything !" I yell, tears still streaming down. Next thing I know someone pulled me into a hug. I hug back. I just let all of the tears fall. "She's going to be okay." The person says. "I hope so." I reply.

When I pull away I see everyone from magcon. "But, how?" I ask. "We have our ways." J smiles. "Is she okay?" Cam speaks. "I-I don't know." I sit down. They let her mom stay in there. "I-I need her to be okay." I throw my head in my hands.

And that, well that was the worst day of my entire life.

(A|N): Hey. Sorry for the wait for the update. Just going through some things I guess. Anyways, don't worry! Kaylia will be okay. Just give her time. And well Shawn, he has to get his shit together tbh 😂😂😂 anyways byaaa

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