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*Kaylia's POV*

When I finally got released from the hospital I went home with my mom. Everyone else followed my mom home. They really wanted to see me. My mom went to work.

Everyone sat in the living room, watching movies and eating snacks. No one dared to speak about what happened. I wonder why. My whole body twitched ever since I woke up. I feel like something's wrong.

*Shawn's POV*

Before we left the hospital, the Nurse told us to be careful around Kay. She said that she is very unstable right now and she needs a lot of rest. She said that Kaylia has to be careful. She implied that Kaylia is not fine. She lied. She said she was fine before. She also said that she could lash out at any time. She has 'anger problems' now.

No one spoke about it at all. Kaylia is in the dark about the situation. No body could mess with her feelings. That could mess her brain up. So everyone just watched the movie and brought up other topics. After everyone went home it was just me and Kay.

"Kay." I call from the other side of the room. She looks and I wave my hand, signalling for her to come here. I drag her upstairs to her room and shut the door. "Hey." She sits on her bed. "I missed you." I smile and sit next to her.

"Them Magcon boys seem really nice." She lay her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, they are." I reply. "So what's going on?" She asks. "What do you mean?" Oh shit. "Why is everyone acting so weird?" She asks.

"N-no one is acting weird." I lie. "Shawn stop lying!" She gets mad amd her hand twitches more. "I'm sorry Kay! You need rest." I lay her down and cover her with the blanket. "Doctor's orders!" I turn the lights off.

I jump onto her bed and cover myself with the covers. "I don't have anything wrong with me you know." She says after a minute. "I know. You're perfect." I reply. "Hey." I say. "What?" She asks. "I promise I won't pressure you to anything. At least not right now." She didn't say anything. I plant a kiss onto her forehead and drift off to sleep.

*Kaylia's POV*

I wake up to Shawn no where to be seen. I get out of bed, do my morning routine, and go downstairs for breakfast. "Surprise!" Shawn calls out and I see all of my favorite breakfast foods. He even got that bacon that you can't find anywhere.

"What is this?" I Ask, a smile creeping to my face. "Breakfast!" Shawn smiled back. "Also, your mom went back on her business trip, so I'm here!" His smile faded for a second. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the table.

After we eat we start binge watching Orange Is The New Black. We ate all of the snacks that we had in the house. Then, there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered it.

"Blake!" I smile and hug him. "Hey." He hugs me back. I invite him in only to find Shawn in the kitchen making more food. He knows me so well. "We're watching Netflix if you want to join." I smile. "Sure." He smiles.

My phone buzzes to see a text from Josh.

From:Best brother in the world!💖💎- So happy you're okay! Sorry I couldn't see you in the hospital. I was in my own room. I'll be home soon I promise! Love you!

To:Best brother in the world!💖💎-It's fine, love you too, and I feel really good.😘💖

I put my phone down to see Blake and Shawn talking, while they keep glancing at my hands. I look at my hands to see them twitching. "For fucks sake I thought you said nothing was wrong with me!" I try to hold back my tears.

"There is nothing wrong with you." Shawn looks at me confused. "Then why do you keep looking at me like I'm a lost puppy?" I cross my arms and shake my head. "No one was looking at you like that!" He protested as he came closer. Blake sat there concerned.

"I'm sorry, I'm just-" I put my head in my hands and broke down. "It's fine." Shawn replies. I wipe my tears and sit up like nothing happened. Blake looked at his phone and shot up.

"I have to go." His voice was rushed and worried. "Okay." I reply and get a small hug. "See ya." Shawn says. With that Blake rushes out. I sit back down and Shawn sighs. "Get dressed we're going somewhere." He mumbles. I get ready while he was waiting on the couch.

"I'm ready." I state as I wait for a response. "Okay, come on." He opens his car door for me. "Thanks." I smile and he runs back to his side.

We stopped at a beach. He opens the door for me once again, and I say thank you. He starts making a bon fire.

*Shawn's POV*

I'm super nervous. Just ask her. After I made the bonfire I hold her hands. "I need to ask you something." I say. Her hands kept twitching in mine. I had to keep reminding myself that she was okay.

"What is it?" She asks. I kneel down. "Kaylia, I know I have to go back on tour." Her jaw clenches once I say that. "But I love you. I want you to be mine when I'm on the road." Her face stays the same. "Kay, would you be my girlfriend?" I ask. Her hands twitch even more in my hands.

"N-No." She says amd pulls away. No?

(A|N): Heyy! ☺☺ Wus good homie homeessss 😉 new chapter. A little bit longer so your welcome 😊 byaa muffin mannns

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