22~Best night ever

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~Best night ever~

*Kaylia's POV*

You:Anything specific you want me to wear?

Shawn: Yes. What you're wearing right now

You: Leggings and a T shirt? Shawn , you are one interesting boy.

Shawn: What can I say ;)

You: Still not Forgiven

Shawn: That will change by the end of the night xoxo

You: Oh piss off

Shawn: I'm outside. Open up

You: It is way too early for this.

I walk downstairs and open the door. "Why, hello there sweetness." He smiles."I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit." I shut the door as we head to his car. He opens the door for me and I roll my eyes. "It's only 9:00, lighten up." He smiles. "9:00 AM. Way too early." I reply.

As we drive, I continuously ask where we are going. "It's a suprise." He smirks. I turn on the radio and we sing along to whatever song comes on. He pulls over. "I need to blindfold you." He says. "What? No!" I deny. "Come on!" He pleads.

I roll my eyes. "I'm only doing this because you promised." I state. "And, I will keep that promise." He smiles. "Whatever, Mendes." I growl. "You called me Mendes." He whispers. I pretended like I didn't hear.

"Shawn, it's been like 30 minutes!" I groan. "It's only been 10, and we're at our first stop anyways." He says as he stops the car. "First stop?" I groan as he leads me out of the car. He takes the blindfold off and I see that we're at the carnival. "Very original, Mendes." I roll my eyes.

"I'm just getting started." He smiles. We head into the carnival and get our tickets for rides. I felt bad because I forgot to bring my wallet so he had to pay. "I was planning to pay for everything anyways, so that's good." He smirks.

We start by playing games. He won a huge stuffed panda for me. "How cliche." I mumble. He just laughs. "It's cute though." I smile at it. "Now it's time to go on rides." He smirks.


After tons and tons of rides, he rushes us back to his car. "Shawn! It's only 12:00! I whine. "It's time for stop 2." He smiles. I put my panda in the backseat and turn on the radio. He starts driving again. I sing along to random songs on the radio. "We're here." He smiles.

"Sky zone?" I ask. "You used to love coming here sophomore year." He replies. "I know." I state as we get out of the car. We walk in and as he pays, I feel bad again. "I owe you back all of this money." I roll my eyes when he shakes his head.

We start jumping on all of the trampolines and doing tricks. We joke around in the foam pit most of the time, until Shawn looks at his phone. "We have to go." He hurries. "We just got here." I state as he grabs my hand, dragging me out. "Grab thy shoes." He puts his shoes on.

"It's only been an hour!" I whine as I get in the car. "We're on a tight schedule. I told you, you would be enjoying today." He winks. "The day is still young." I roll my eyes. He starts driving as we jam out to the radio. He stops at a random park.

"Uh, Shawn?" I give him a side brow. "Just get out." He mumbles, getting out of the car. I follow him to the swings and we sit next to each other. "This is the park." He states. I then remember. "The day before you left." I move back, and forth slightly. "Yeah." He replies.

"Then that's where it all went down hill." I dragged my words and tried to do a plane crash with my hands. "Yeah." He looks down. "But, look a us now. All grown up. Seniors. Even if it was one summer I feel old." I laugh. "Well, you do act like an old lady." He smiles.

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