31~True love only comes to the lucky few

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~True love only comes to the lucky few~

"Where are you?" Shawn asks. My eyes scan the whole airport. "Where are you?" I reply. My eyes lock with his beautiful body. I run towards him as fast as I can, dropping everything I had. I jump on him with full force and we fall on the ground.

"Woah." He laughs as we lay on the floor, wiping our tears. "I missed you so much!" I squeal, hanging onto him for dear life. After a few minutes, he speaks. "Let's get off of this dirty floor." He smiles and I get up, hugging him again.

"You feel more muscular." I state. "I've been working out." He laughs. He picks me up and sets me in the car, then gets into the passenger. "So how was life on Tour?" I ask. "It was great. So fun." He continues telling stories to me about tour.

As we walk into my house, the surprise party was set. All of our friends and family were there, and it was huge. He smiles as his mouth gapes open. "This is awesome!" He admires the decorations.

"Planned by yours truly." I blurt out. He throws an arm around me and smiles. "Perfect." He states. We all start to party big time, just blasting songs and dancing. "Come here." Shawn leads me to my room. "Yes?" I giggle.

He shuts the door and kisses me. "This is the only time alone I've had with you since I got here." He says in between kisses. "Missed me, huh?" I joke and giggle.

I wake up next to Shawn, with a huge headache. I grab the aleve from the bathroom and took some. I set them on the table with water next to Shawn. I then check the time. 10 AM. Good thing he came home on a Friday.

"Hey, love." Shawn startles me as I make breakfast. "Woah." I scream and cover my heart. "Last night was fun." He hugs me and kisses my forehead. "I love you." I state as we stay in the hug longer. "I love you more."

As we eat, I feel a calmer vibe than any other day. Like, that today is the day where everything starts going uphill. "What are you thinking about?" Shawn asks. "Life." I smile.

After eating, we watch movies all day. I missed this. Just laying around with the love of my life, watching our favorite movies. After finishing the fourth Harry Potter movie, all of our snacks were gone.

"1 2 3 not it." Shawn groans. "You're going with me, Mendes." I pull him up and throw my hoodie on. As we walk into the store, we see Cameron and Blake. "What's good my dudes." I grab a cart. "Lazy day?" Cam asks us. Shawn nods in reply.

We stroll around the whole store buying random things. "We need it!" Shawn whines, trying to get a guitar shaped sharpener. "We have sharpeners." I roll my eyes. "This one is special!" He throws the pack in the cart. "Fine." I groan.

After a weekend of us cuddling and eating Snacks, Monday was the day of our graduation. "Are you ready?" I ask Shawn as he shrugs. "I'm actually pretty nervous." He admits. "Shawn. You've played Madison Square Garden, and you're scared of this?" I roll my eyes playfully.

"I don't know, I'm just really proud of us." He scratches the back of his neck. "Me too." I coo and kiss his cheek. "Are you nervous?" He asks. "I am beyond nervous." I shake my head. "Miss Valedictorian over here, is actually nervous?" He jokes. "So funny." I roll my eyes.

As my speech came closer, I got more anxious. "You got this, Vega." Shawn pats me on the shoulder. "And now a speech from the top of our class, our Valedictorian, Kaylia Vega!" The principle speaks as the crowd cheers. "That's my girlfriend!" Shawn cheers.

I set my papers up and nervously start my speech. "I've come so far from who I was 4 years ago. I am a much different person, but yet my 14 year old self is still deep in my heart. As I grew old, I realized that not everything could be perfect. And to be honest, I didn't think I would be standing on this stage a few years ago. But here I am, Valedictorian." I pause.

"I went from an outcast, to a super star in just a few years. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the support my family, friends, teachers, but most Importantly my best friend Shawn Mendes. He has shown me how to take risks, give way too many chances, and how to break too many promises." I giggle as the crowd laughs.

"But above all, Shawn you are the best thing that has happened to me. I would not even be on this stage if it wasn't for you. True love only comes to the lucky few, and I am one of them few people. Shawn I love you. So much. So, thank you, Shawn. And thank you everyone for supporting me." I wipe a tear and step off of the podium. The crowd cheers and I smile. Shawn runs up and hugs me. "Let's do this." He mumbles.


"Congratulations class of 2017!" The principle cheers as we all throw our hats up into the air. Shawn lay his hands on my waist and then passionately kisses me. "I love you so much!" He exclaims.

After the after party, Shawn and I get home exhausted. Well, atleast I was exhausted. When we gwt to my room, he softly pushes me to the wall and kisses me. I kiss back, surprised on how much energy he has.

"Today was perfect." He states. "It Certainly was." I lay down. "Now we can go on tour together." He exclaims. "Um, Shawn, I'm going to college." I state. "Of course you are." He replies. "I got into Harvard." A smile creeps onto my face. "No way." He squeals. "Ues way!" I dance around with Shawn and we collapse onto my bed.

"But you are gonna tour with me, right?" He creeps closer. "Of course." I reply. "Good." He states. "I can't be apart from you for that long ever again." He grabs my hand. "Me neither." I state.

"Good. Because I have an idea. This is going to be the most stupidest but smartest thing I have ever done." He slightly squeezes my hand. "And what would that be?" I ask.


"Would you marry me?" He asks.

(A|N): That's ittt!!!!!! Hmm I'm gonna post an epilogue so look forward to that. Yassssss so yeah I hope you liked it byaaaaaa muffins

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