16~Holding onto you

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*Shawn's POV*

I woke up feeling sick. "Shawn, we're going to be late for rehersal!" Aaron shakes me. I just groan. "I feel sick." I whine. "Tell Bart That!" He hit me with a pillow. It's true, everyone hates me after the Kaylia situation.

I force myself up and get ready. Everything hurts. Everyone got into the elevator and it was dead silent. The elevator stopped for some reason. "It broke down! Fuck!" Matt yelled. He started to call Bart.

Kay looked horrified. She's scared of broken down elevators. She's having a panic attack. I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her tightly. "What are you doing?!" Everyone asks. I just keep my arms tight around her.

"Kay, everything is going to be okay." I hum her favorite song to her while everyone stood in silence watching. Her quick breathing slowed and she eased into my arms. She wiped her tears then pushed me off.

I just walked to the other side of the elevator. I broke the silence after a few minutes. "Guys, I know I did something beyond horrible. I hate myself every single day for it. I just want everything to be over with. I know you guys hate me-" I get cut off. "Damn right we hate you." Cam says.

Tears fall. "Get it over with then. Beat me to where I can't move anymore. Kill me, for fucks sake!" I yell then hit the doors and slid down the elevator wall. "Please." I whisper. "I want everything done." I put my head in my hands.

Someone lifts my head up and slaps me. "Are you crazy?" Kay screeches. "Don't you ever say that, Mendes! You have everything to live for!" She screams. Tears fall from her eyes. "You have a life people are hoping and wishing for! So don't hit me with that suicidal shit!" She screams again.

I stay silent. "What you did to me doesn't mean you're a bad person, Shawn. Everyone makes mistakes. You have nothing to be sad for. I will get over it." Her calm voice assures me.

The boys lifted me up and did a group hug. "I'm sorry." I say. "There's nothing to be sorry for." Matt smiles at me. "Well, we're still stuck in an elevator!" Kay laughs, "but seriously."

Soon enough, Bart gets help with the elevator and it starts working. Kay sighs. We got into the limo and finally went to rehersal.

We got all of our acts done and over with, but everyone seemed off. I mean, after that elevator thing, I understand. Even I'm shook.

At the hotel everyone was in Cameron's room. We all were watching a scary movie. Kay was sitting right next to me. I missed watching movies with her.

Everyone jumps when the door opens. It was Harper. Oh shit. "What the fuck, Shawn?" Cam groans. Kay stays silent. I was so caught up with Kay, that I forgot about Harper.

"Shawny poo!" She squeals and runs up to Me. "Harper!" I fake a smile. Matt gives me a stern look and Kay stays silent. They paused the movie while Harper clings onto me.

"Can you move over please?"  Harper bats her eyelashes to Kaylia. "I was here first, and there's no room left." Kay snuggles into her blanket.

Harper gives her an evil look and sits on my lap. "Harper-get off!" I yell. She jumps up. "What's wrong, babe?" She asks. I get angry.

"You're only dating me for fame and you know it! I don't like you! It's over!" I yell and stand up. Her face gets red and she stomps out of the room.

Matt starts laughing, and soon, everyone joined in. "she's such a spoiled bitch." I point out. After our fit of laughter, we continue with the movie. Everyone fell asleep in Cameron's room that night.

(A|N): HEEEEYYY. Been a while. wus good my nuggets. WELP DID ANYONE HEARR SHAWN'S NEW SONG I AM DEAD. anyways, bye muffins!!!!

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