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*Kaylia's POV*

My phone vibrates yet again. 'Incoming call from: Shawn' I groan, and throw my phone into the water. I was on a random bridge watching the sunrise. I am so tired of everything. I can't stand being me anymore.

I feel like I'm just another stupid celebrity that everyone gives way too much attention to. I hate being one of those girls. I just need a break from everything. The fans are great, this life is great.

But, sometimes I wish it was still sophomore year, and me and Shawn would have no worries and just have fun. Now, we're living our dreams. I just wonder what would've happened without magcon. Would Shawn still even be my best friend?

My feet dangle above the water as I watch the beautiful sun pass the horizon. I hear footsteps approach, but pay no mind. I heard people come here to watch the sunset all of the time.

"Hey." Matt's voice makes me jump. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "What are you doing here?" He replies. "I needed to clear my mind." I swing my feet back and forth. "You're lucky I'm not Shawn." He laughs.

"Why?" I ask. "He would've killed you." He turns serious. "Kay?!" I hear Shawn's faded voice. "Speak of the devil." I comment, still admiring the beautiful sunset. "I was so worried about you!" He drags me up.

"Well, Hello to you too." I mumble and he looks at me with a strange look. "What happened? Are you okay? Why did you wonder off?" he asks. "Why are you grilling me? I just had to clear my mind." I scrunch my eyebrows.

"You could've at least told us where you were." He argues. "You are not my dad, and I just needed to be away from reality for a while, is that okay?" I yell the last part.

"It's okay if I'm not staying up all fucking night looking for your stubborn ass, while you wonder around having the time of your life in a city you don't even know!" He yells.

"You don't even know what I was doing! So piss off!" I walk off into the distance and Shawn follows. "You have to come back, Kay." He croaks. "Why? So you could act like the father I never had? Fuck off, Mendes." I continue walking.

I end up back at the hotel and sneak into Cam's room. He was fast asleep so I took the other bed. I fell fast asleep.


"Kay, wake up." Cameron shakes me. "I know you had a long night but we have to go." I groan as he shakes more. I feel horrible about what I did to Shawn last night. He was just trying to help.

After I get ready, I go to Shawn's room and knock. "It's Open." He yells. I slowly open the door to see him on his phone. "Shawn-" " I don't want to hear It, Kaylia." He interrupts. I sit next to him.

"I feel horrible about what I did." I sigh. "I do too." He mumbles. "Shawn." I groan. "I was just fed up with everything and I needed a break, from everything. I know I should've told you but I just needed to get away." I explain.

He just rolls his eyes and walks out. I really messed up this time. I groan and yell into a pillow. Why would I do this?

After rehearsal we all went to the mall with some  if Cam's friends. I don't really know them. We all walk into the food court and I sit in between Matt and Nash. I stare at Shawn a little before we go to get our food. He's talking to another girl.

After we all get our food, we sit back down. "Are you okay? You were missing last night." Matt says and I shrug. "I had to clear my mind. I'm pretty sure I messed everything up with Shawn." I look down and rub my eyes.

"I think everything is going to turn out fine with you two. It always does." He assures me. "I didn't mean to hurt him. I was just being selfish at the time." My voice gets low. "Let's go to the Vans store to cheer you up, yeah?" He asks and I nod.

We finish eating and leave the group to the Vans store. I walk over to the men's side and look at the shoes. "Why are you over here?" He asks. "Men shoes are more comfortable." I reply and look at some checkered slip ons. "do you have these in a size 5?" I ask the worker.

I end up getting the checkered slip ons, a black sweater, and some black and white high tops. We end up getting some skateboards too. After we go to Teavana and get some tea. Cam texts me where they were and we meet back up with them.

"I do need a new laptop." I wonder on if I should spend any more money. I choose a Mac book pro. I also get a new phone and pay. "Want to go bowling?" Nash asks. "Sure." I smile and we all head over the bowling alley.

"Yes!" I scream as I win once again. "How are you so good?" Cam groans. "Because in Sophomore year, every Friday I went bowling with-" I stopped myself when I see Shawn kiss that girl. "Ouch." I whisper. I deserved that.

Matt looks. "Let's go to the arcade." Nash, Cam, and Matt pull me to play some games. I couldn't get them out of my head. "Can we go home?" My voce cracks. "You mean the hotel?" Nash asks. I nod.

"I'll text G and he'll tell the guys." Nash mumbles and Cam nods. We all walk back to the hotel. I try so hard not to cry. "I did this to myself." I mumble. "He really didn't have to do that though. You never would have did that to him." Matt throws his arm around my shoulder.

Everyone was back to the hotel And Jack G walked into my room. I was watching pitch perfect. "Hey." He sits on my bed. "Hey." I reply. "I heard about what happened. Are you okay?" With that I break down. "I did a horrible thing. I don't hate him, he didn't do anything wrong, I deserved that!" I cry.

"You just had to clear your mind for a night. I mean, yeah you should've told us but, you didn't kiss another guy. He could of at least told you it was over." He stated. I let the tears flood my face. "He's hurt you before, and you mess up one time, and that makes it okay for him to kiss another girl?" He reminds me.

I wipe my tears and he hands me a tissue. "Thanks, G." I smile and blow my nose. "Gross." He starts laughing and I laugh along. "We're gonna play truth or dare in Cam's room, want to join?" He asks and I nod.

I walk in looking like crap. but who cares? I sit inside of the circle. It was Me, Cam, G, J, And Nash. We did some funny dares.

"Kay. I dare you to knicker knocker every hotel room in this hall." Matt dares. "Easy." I roll my eyes. I knock on every single door and run, Matt following behind, recording. I hide behined a corner with Matt and laugh. "Is the coast clear?" Matt asks. I just walk down the hall, not looking. I wish I had.

There he was, looking back and forth, until he saw me. I freeze. He does the same. "Uh, come on, let's go back." Matt drags me into Cam's room, Shawn and I never losing eye contact until the door closes.

He shows the video and we all laugh. I just shake the thing with Shawn off. I'm having fun and that's all that matters. The game resumes, until Shawn walks in. I just try to ignore him. He sat in the circle. "So, what are we playing?" He asks.

"Truth or dare?" G asks him. "Truth." He answers. "Why are you being such a dick to Kay when she just made one small mistake-" Matt interrupts G with his hand covering G's mouth. Shawn inhales sharply.

I couldn't even hear his explanation because I was out of the room before he could say anything. I lock my door and start to cry again. I am such a wimp. I walk out of my room, and soon the hotel was in the distance.

(A|N): Long chapter because writers block is gone and another update wwwhhahaattt and Shawn's birthday is literally tomorrow literally kill me STOP GETTING SO OLD he's still my smol bean he will always be my smol bean he can't be 19 stop right now just become 16 again please I love u anyways bya muffins!

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