29~Blowing up

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~Blowing up~

*Kaylia's POV*

Mendes💖- U r so annoying

You- You love me ma dude

Mendes💖- Why does it concern u

You- because I want to know who my Shawnie faught

Mendes💖- It was only a punch and he was an asshole on the street. He hit a girl and I don't tolerate that.

You- you're getting a lot of attention

Mendes💖- I know.

You- Text you when I get to school, bye ma dude

Mendes💖- Bye bbg

I hop out of bed and start getting ready for school. I straighten my hair and throw on jeans and a Shawn Mendes tee shirt. I am his number one super fan and I am not afraid to show it.

As I walk to school, I meet up with Cam and we walk together. "So, how are you and Shawn?" He asks. "We're good." I reply. "It's been two months. I know you miss him." He glances at me.

"More than ever." I look down. "He'll be back soon." He throws an arm around me. "If four months is soon." I shake my head. "In summer." Cam states. "When school's out, Shawn's in." He jokes and I giggle.

I walk to my forst class and go on with my day. "Hey Blake!" I walk up to his locker. "Hey, Kaylia." He waves. "How's it going?" I ask. "It's going." He winces and I laugh. "You'll be fine. Exams are over soon." I assure.

After school, I FaceTime Shawn while at Tim Hortan's. "I miss it there." He states. "I miss you, here." I drink my coffee. "I know." He replies and winks. "Anyways, I have to go, I have an interview. Tune in!" He smiles and I laugh.

*Shawn POV* (finally though)

"We have the one and only Shawn Mendes in the studio today!" The radio man, Elvis Duran exclaims. Everyone cheers in the studio, and I smile.

"Hey Shawn!" He smiles. "Hi!" I exclaim. "How's it going? I see your album is still destroying the charts and you're selling out arena after arena!" He glances at me and I nod. "Yeah. It's really surprising." I reply.

"It seems so weird that I started out on vine, being so little, then here I am now." I state. "What about this situation with you and this guy?" He asks. "He was hurting a girl. And i don't tolerate that." I shrug. As the interview continues they ask a lot of personal questions.

"Are there any girls you're looking at?" He asks. I lick my lips. Should I tell them? "There's actually one waiting at home." I smile. "Oh really? Is this official?" He asks, raising his we eyebrows. "We're waiting until I get back home." I state.

"So are you going to tell us about this mystery girl?" He asks. "The fans know her pretty well. She's nobody new." I smile. "Are we talking about a life long friend?" He asks. "Feels like it." I fix my headphones.

After the interview, I text Kaylia.

You- I hope ur not mad

Future Wife😍- Not at all, Mendes. Making me miss you even more.

You- I can't wait until I get home

Future Wife😍- I'll be waiting as promised ;)

You- You better stay waiting, my darling.

Future Wife💖- You need to be home already.

*Kaylia's POV*

I smile uncontrollably. I can't believe he publicized us. Our future relationship. It's weird. I wish he would just be home already. It's so hard not seeing him. Not calling him mine.

But when he is home, when I could call him mine again, and when I could cuddle up, and kiss him. Well that'll be the best day of my life.

(A|N): Okay so idk how im gonna end this story yet but its gonna end soon. So expect *Something big* okay byaaa muffins

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