2~Sophomore Year

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~Sophomore Year~

*Kaylia's POV*

"Hey Mendes!" I call out from my porch. He gives me a warning look. I give him a thumbs up. He was asking the popular blondie to formal. When she walks away he slumps over. "What happened?" I ask, concerned. "She said no." He replies. "She said no?" I ask. There was an awkward silence.

"Well she doesn't deserve you anyways. We'll go to formal together." I smile. "This is why you're my best friend." He replaces his frown with a smile. "Any drawings for me today Miss. Vega?" He asks. "Just a doodle." I reply.

"Hey Kay!" Mia walks up to me. "Mimi!" I smile. "Are you going to the dance?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah. With my best friend of course." I smile and Shawn pops up. "Well, speak of the devil there he is!" I smile and ruffle his hair. "Well, I'm going with Matt." She smiles. "What a surprise!" I sarcastically widen my eyes and laugh.

After school was the dance. Shawn and I went in our normal clothes while Mia and Matt dressed up. "Pictures!" Shawn pointed and we made our way over. "Smile!" Aaron, a boy in the photography class said. Shawn puts his arm around me and we smile.

"You ready to dance?" Shawn asks, pulling me out to the dance floor. "No!" I whine. "You are the best dancer I know. Come on." He begs. I scoff. 'Don't let me down' by the Chainsmokers came on and I smiled. "Remember our dance?" He asks. We used to make up dances to random songs. Unfortunately, this was one of them songs.

"Yeah." I reply. We did the whole dance, some people recording us. It was that good? "Let's go get food!" I laugh. "Okay." He replies. "Hey Shawn, I'll save a dance for you!" Stefanie joked as her and her friends laugh. "He doesn't need your stank ass dance, obviously." I defend my best friend. She rolled her eyes and walked away.


"No!" I run away from Shawn. He was trying to throw me in the snow. I laugh as I take a sharp turn to a street we've never been on. I run, not paying attention, and bump into someone. I fall and almost bump my head. "I am so sorry!" The cute boy from my English class said. To be honest, he was my crush. "It's okay.. It was my fault." He extends his hand and I take it. As he pulls me up, I hear panting behind us.

"Caught you." Shawn smirked. I laugh. "I'm Cameron." The cute boy interrupts my laughing. "Kaylia." I reply. "Shawn." Shawn smiles. "What are you guys playing?" He asks and I snap back to reality. I scream and run away as Shawn tells him. I look back and see them both chasing me.

"Oh really?" I ask, backing up. "Yup!" Shawn smirks. I start to run again, far ahead of them. I see Shawn's house, and run there. I knock on the door and Aaliyah answers. "Can I come in?" I ask. She lets me in no questions asked. I shut the door and lock it.

She looked at me and I laughed. "Long story." I breathe out. The door opens and it reveals Shawn and Cameron. I scream and run to Shawn's room, and into his closet. I locked it and hid in the clothes. "Kay!" Shawn calls. I quietly laugh.

"Boo!" I hear Shawn as he opens the clothes. I jump and scream and he picks me up and carries me outside. "No!" I scream and laugh. He jumps in the snow so both of us are cold. "I hate you!" I laugh. "I love you too!" He hugged me tighter. I just laughed.

Cameron just stood there awkwardly. Shawn got up and helped me up. "So what, are you guys dating or something?" He asked, he sounded disappointed. "No! We're just best friends." I reply. "Oh." He replies and looks at Shawn.


"You know he likes you right?" Shawn whispers to me. We were in English, talking about Cameron. "No he does not! Stop lying." I reply. We keep whispering back and forth until the teacher yells at us. He nodded his head, and I shook mine.

No way Cameron likes me.

*Shawn's POV*

I know Kay likes Cameron. But I really like her. I know, I know, we're best friends and it would ruin our friendship. I just really like her. Seeing her like Cameron really hurts. He's going to hurt her. I know it.

"It was a great video, Shawn." Kay reassures me. "You didn't sing with me!" I whine. I was making a YouTube video. "It was awesome!" She hugs me. I smirk and turn the camera on as she sits down. "Hey everyone! This is my best friend Kaylia. She can sing too but she's to shy." I say and she covers her face. "Come on Mendes!" She whines. I laugh.

(A/N):Hey! Sorry slow update. 😆 school has been holding me up. Make sure to vote and comment! Byaa!!

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