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*Kaylia's POV*

I sit on the bench and breathe heavily. That was quite a workout. I looked up to see a boy approaching me. Soon I recondnised him. My middle school bully. I never mentioned him to Shawn because he didn't go to the same high school so I had no worry.

"Well, well, well, Is that Kaylia?" He asks while he tries to look into my eyes. I look away quickly. "Fuck off, AJ." I stand up, but he pushes me down. "Sit down! We're just getting Started!" He evilly smiles while he punches me in the lip. He punches me a couple more times. I try to defend myself.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A boy calls and runs over. "I don't think this is any of your business, now is it?" AJ walked up to him. "You're hurting her Idiot!" The boy punched AJ, and he punched him back in the eye. The boy got mad and tackled AJ punching him.

He then got off and walked over. "Are you okay?" He asks me. I wipe the blood off of my lip and nod. "You have a lot of bruises,and a black eye. Come on I'll take care of that." He smiles weakly and I nod. We walk to what I'm guessing is his house.

He brings me in and I sit on the couch. "Stay here, I'll get the first aid kit." He says and I wait patiently. He comes back with a first aid kit and some water. "Here." He hands.me the water. "Thanks." I say.

He disinfects my cut and scratches. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "Yeah. I just have a black eye... I never got a name by the way." He smiles. "Kaylia." I reply. "Blake." He smiles. "Looks like we're twins!" I point to my eye and we both chuckle.

"Hey, you're pretty cool. I was wondering if I could get your number..?" He asks as he scratches the back of his neck. "Sure." I reply and put my number in his phone. "Do you need someone to walk you home?" He asks and I shrug. "Sure." I reply and smile.

When we get to my house I stop. "Thanks, for everything." I reply. "You're welcome, twin." He points to his eye and I laugh. "Well, I'll see you later!" I wave bye and he waves back.

When I get into the house no one was home. My mom was at work and Josh was probably out. I sat down and put on Orange is the new black. Then, I get a face time call from Shawn. Forgetting about my black eye and busted lip, I answer. Good thing I wrapped my head around in the blanket like a hat. That somewhat helped.

"Hey Vega!" He smiled at me. I smiled back. "Hey!" I put my phone down and quickly put some makeup on over my bruises. I picked the phone back up. "Woah, what's the occasion?" He asks me. "What? I can't wear makeup?" I ask.

"Kay, you never wear makeup." He replies. "What's going on?" He asks. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I sit back down. "You know I have to worry." He gives me a stern look. "Fine. But don't get mad." I reply.

I take a facial wipe and wipe off the little makeup that I had on. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that the bruises were really bad. "Well, what is it?" He asks. I pick up the phone and start crying. "Kay... W-what happened?" He asks.

*Shawn's POV*

I saw her bruised up face. Who the fuck hit her? "Kay... W-what happened?" I ask. She was crying. I let a tear escape from my eye. "I know I should've told you this." She set her phone down so I could see her and told me the story of her middle school bully.

"And, I-I know you hate seeing me so bad and hurt, I'm sorry." She wiped her tears. "It's Fine, Kay." I reply. We talk for the rest of the night until we both fell asleep on the phone with each other. Man, I love this girl.

(A|N): Hiii!!! Another day another chapter :) I have b ball still so yeah so busy 😊 but yeah I tried and it took me a while and my writers block doesn't help at times 🙃 but anyways see ya muffin mannns byyyyaaa !!!!

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