7~Sleepless nights and Tim Horton's

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~Sleepless nights and Tim Horton's~

*Kaylia's POV*

I woke up and got ready to go to Tim Horton's for breakfast. I don't really care how I look. I Just need some coffee. When I get to Tim Horton's I see Blake. I walk over to order and he walks up to me. "Hey, twin." He laughs. I giggle.

"Nice shirt." He smiles. I look at my shirt and see that it's an Ed Sheeran shirt. "Oh yeah, kind of obsessed with him." I reply and smile. "Same." Is all he says. He sits down while I order. I order a chocolate chip muffin with whipped cream, with a cuppachino. Reminds me of Shawn.

I sit down across from Blake and he smiles. "So, Kaylia. Why did that boy hit you?" He asks. I look up. "He used to be my bully." I reply. "Oh." He ends the conversation. I look at my phone to see a text from Shawn.

Mendes☺😙😁: Morning sleepy head! Last night's event was awesome! Here's a pic!!

Mendes☺😙😁: Morning sleepy head! Last night's event was awesome! Here's a pic!!

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I smile and shake my head. "What?" Blake asks. "My best friend is getting big and famous. I just hope he doesn't forget about me." I smile through the bad thought.

When I got home I put on Harry Potter and the half blood prince and watched it. I put on a face mask because why not. My phone started to vibrate. I see that Shawn is trying to face time so I answer. "What's up?" I ask.

The boy I saw in the picture was on the screen and he jumped. "Woah. Sorry. You looked like a monster!" I glared a him. "A very pretty monster of course." He smiles and I laugh.

"I'm Matt by the way." He smiles. "Kaylia... Where's Shawn?" I ask. "He's sleeping!" He switches the camera so I could see Shawn. "He's such a baby." I laugh. "You should've saw his face on stage. All the fans cheering for him. He loved them!" Matt smiled. "I could tell he did." I smile.

"Is that the girl Shawn always talks about?" A boy comes in the view. "Yeah." Matt replies. "Shut up Carter!" I hear Shawn say. "Sleeping beauty is awake eh?" I laugh. "Kay kay!" He smiles as he takes the phone.

"Shawny-poo!" I laugh. He rubs his eyes. I put my phone down and peel off my face mask. I wash my face then pick the phone back up. "There she is!" He laughs. "Haha soo funny." I smile.

*Shawn's POV*

After we facetimed the boys and I went somewhere. When we got home it was about 12 AM. Everyone went to sleep except for me. I just couldn't sleep. I get up and go to the vending machine. "What are you doing up this late?" Matt startles me.

"Getting a snack. Why are you up?" I ask. "I don't know. I'm not tired. He replied. "Oh." I reply. "Yeah. Want to play the PlayStation?" He asks and I nod.

While we were playing the game he starts talking. "So, Kaylia huh?" He smirks. "What about her?" I ask. "You really like her don't you?" He glances at me. My face heats up.

"She's my best friend don't be stupid." I stutter. "Oh stop lying. You guys probably had something before tour." He laughs. "Yeah. We did. And now she's going to meet a new boy, have a new best friend, forget about me, fall In love with him, and leave me in the dust." I put the controller down.

"Don't say that. She seems like she's madly in love with you. Trust me she won't be leaving anytime soon." Matt reassures me. "Thanks. I'm gonna go to sleep. Night." I walk back to my room. "Night." He replies.

(A|N): HEYYYY guess who's back back back again gain gain 😂 haven't updated in a WHILLLLE but I'm gonna try to update more. Its hard because I'm busy AF and sometimes I have ideas and sometimes I just have writers block. This chapter is short so SORRRRY 😂😐 Okay byaaa

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