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*Kaylia's POV*

I don't know where I'm walking. Frankly, I don't even care. I just have to get away from that hotel. "Kay!" I hear Cam yell. I stop. He runs towards me. "Let me walk with you." He waits for an okay. "Sure." I reply and continue walking.

"You know, I was so stupid to screw you over when I first met you." He states. "No, you did good. I am total bad news." I chuckle. He  joins. "I'm serious though." He smiles. "Well, thanks Cameron." I reply.

We end up walking into a pizza hut. We order and wait. "Thanks for coming after me, I really appreciate it." I sigh. "Anytime." He smiles. Our food comes and we eat. We joke and laugh without a care in the world.

Who knew it would come to this.

When we got back to the hotel, it was dark. "Need help packing? We leave to Tokyo tomorrow." He reminds me. "I totally forgot!" My eyes widen. We walk into my room and start packing. After packing everyone, except Shawn, came into my room and we watched a movie.

"Kay." I got shook. "Wake up." Matt says. "We have to leave!" Cam yells. I groan and sit up. I take a shower, throw sweatpants and a magcon hoodie on, then looked in the mirror. the bags under my eyes are horrid. I throw my hair in a messy bun and walk out.

I board the plane and grab the window seat. I close my eyes for a few seconds. I open them to see Shawn next to me. "For fucks sake." I mumble. I slip my headphones on and sing along to my music.

Shawn touches my shoulder. I take my headphones off, and look at him. "What?" I ask after a while. "I'm sorry." He whispers and looks down. I roll my eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I started this." I put my headphones back on.

I walk off of the plane and someone hops on my back. "Ow!" I yell and laugh. I look back, and see Matt on the Floor, rubbing his neck. "You were supposed to hold me!" He whines and I laugh.

"Are you nervous for the show tonight? This is our biggest crowd ever!" Matt remindes me. I feel a pit in my stomach. "I'm not ready at all." I nervously laugh. "You're going to do great. You always do." He smiles. "Thanks, Matt."

We finally get to the hotel. As Bart checks in, I talk to Cam. When I get to my room I realize I'm roomies with the devil himself, Shawn. I plop down on my bed and decide to ignore him. "Kay." He sits on my bed.

"Kaylia." I correct and shove my face in a pillow. "Are you going to talk to me?" He asks. "We're talking right now." I say, muffled by the pillow. He sighs. "I mean about what happened."

"What? About you kissing another girl because I walked away for a night? Oh wait, we were never official, Peter Raul." I turn over. "I was hurt." He looks at me. "We're even, then. Don't talk to me, and I won't talk to you." I stuff my head back into the pillow.

"Kay, please." His voice cracks. "Goodbye, roommate." I get up and walk out of the room.

I walk into Jack and Jack's room, and see that everybody is watching a movie. I sit next to G and watch it with them.

"Are you and Shawn okay?" He. whispers. "There is no me and Shawn." I reply. He looks at me, with an awkward face, and I nod. "It's that bad?" He asks. I nod once more. "Watch him have a groupie over tonight." I state. This time he nods.

A few movies later I decide to go back to my room. Once I get there, I see Shawn and another girl making out. I shut the door and they pull away. Once I see the girl's face, I internally groan. Harper.

"Oh, hey roommate." Shawn smirks. "Hey." I reply and get my stuff for a shower, acting like I'd never seen her. "So, Harper and I are back together." He states. I plaster a fake smile on. "Very lovely. I hope you guys get married and have little babies." I reply. "We plan to." Harper drags her words.

I step into the bathroom and lock it. I blast my music, then burst into tears. What an asshole. I take a hot and long shower, singing I. the process. Once I walk out of the bathroom, I see Shawn fast asleep with harper in his arms.

"Oh fuck off, Mendes." I groan. Apparently, he wasn't asleep. "You mean fuck me, Mendes? Gladly." He whispers. I roll my eyes. "Asshole." I state. "Bitch." He replies. "Heartbreaker." I diss him. He says nothing after that.

I scroll through my twitter all night. I don't plan on getting sleep anytime soon. Well, the show is tomorrow and I'm going to look a mess. Inside, and out.

I wake up feeling horrible. My neck, chest, and heart were hurting. My head was pounding, and my breath was trembling. Is this what happens when a heart gets broken too much? I jump out of bed and take a quick shower.

When I walk out of the bathroom, Shawn is awake. I grab my bag and walk out and into the elevator. I quickly shut the doors. He runs up and catches them. He presses the button, and stands next to me.

I try to move but he gets closer. "I'm not kidding, Shawn. Take one more step, and I will ruin that pretty little face of yours." I warn. He smiles. "And she speaks." He giggles. "This is funny to you?" I ask. "Totally. The bad ass act turns me on, Vega." He quirks an eyebrow.

"Never again, asshole." The elevator doors open. I rush out. "I promise we'll be okay, sweetheart." He winks. I roll my eyes, then get into the limo. I sit next to Matt.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Why wouldn't I be?" I reply. "Harper is coming to the show tonight." He whispers. I freeze for a second. "Uh, totally fine with that." I force a smile. He rolls his eyes.

"Showtime!" Cam picks me up, and runs to the side of the stage. The fans are screaming, so loud. "Are you ready?" He asks. I shake my head, getting more anxiety each minute. "Kay. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt." He inhales with me, and exhales with me.

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

"I actually feel a little calmer now. I smile and he winks at me. I walk onto stage with my Tokyo outfit and the crowd goes wild. I sing "Riptide" by Vance Joy and get cheered off of the stage. God, I love these people.

"The girl in the purple shirt" I call out. "Are you and Shawn dating?" She asks. "No, he has a girlfriend named Harper, actually." I fake a smile and she smiles back. Another girl raises her hand. I call on her. "But, why does he seem so in love with you then?" She asks. "That's a question you're going to ask him." I smile. She asks him.

"I am not in love with her. She is just a friend. A tour mate. "Good to know." I mumble and Matt elbows me. The Q&A continues with tense questions about Shawn and I.

After the Show, Shawn follows me to the Back, harper following him. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Somewhere far away from here." I reply. He pulls me back. "Kay, what happened?" He asks. "You, happened." I groaned.

He looks at Harper, then at me. "I don't understand, you said we're just roommates, and you made it clear you don't want anything to do with me. I am just moving on." He states. "Moving on? In one week? Wow, Shawn. You really are an asshole." I scoff and look away, arms crossed.

"It's not like I would have you again! What if I actually love Harper?" He asks. I sigh in disbelief. "Well good for you! Go live your happy life with marriage and kids." I yell. I walk away and he pulls me back. He looks back to see Harper gone.

Then he kisses me. I missed that kiss, so much.

I quickly realize and pull away. My hand reaches his cheek with full force. "Kay-" "Why don't you just let me move on! You already have, and you're in love!" my voice cracks.

"But I still love you." His voice went low. "Well, choose, Mendes." I sniffle. "W-What?" He asks. "Choose." I raise my voice. "I-I can't do that, Kay." His eyes get watery. "I can't do this then." I rip off the necklace he gave me sophomore year and throw it at him. I never took that necklace off until now.

"Kaylia!" He screams in agony as I walk away. He falls on his knees and yells again, and again. Holding the necklace.

(A|N): Ah another update. A little long too. Yay. Anyways school is next month so trying to update as much as I could and BTW this book might be finishing soon so yeah. Bya muffins.

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