4~No promises

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~No Promises~

*Kaylia's POV*

"Kay?" Shawn calls. My mom let him stay the night until he leaves. "What?" He was on the floor, while  I  was on the bed. It was 12 AM. "I can't  sleep." He replies. "Me neither." I look at him. "Can.. I come up there?" He asks. "Sure." I scoot over.

He lies down next  to me and pulls me close. I put my head on his chest. "So what are we from here?" I ask. "I don't  know." Shawn replies. "Me neither." I sigh.

"Kay, I love you. But, I don't want a relationship. I'm  going on tour." He reminded me. I let some tears slip. "I know, Shawn." I mumble. "I promise-" I inturrupt him. "No promises Shawn. You don't know if you will keep them or not. You're coming back home anyways. Please just no promises." I was bursting out into tears.

"I'm sorry." He lets a few tears slip. "I just really hate seeing you like this. I know you hate promises. But what else do we have?" He asks pulling me closer. "We have eachother." I assure.


I woke up and got out of bed careful not to wake Shawn. I grab one of his sweaters and slip it on. It was a pretty cold  morning.  I check the time on my phone  to see it was 7 AM. I really need to stop waking up early.

I walk down the stairs  and into the kitchen, my panda slippers  barely making  sound. "Good morning." Josh startled me from the dining room. "Good morning, aren't  you supposed to be in college?" I ask, confused.

"Summer break. I just had to register. Now here I Am!" He smiles. I run up and hug him. He hugs back and I let go. "I made breakfast. Catch me up on everything!" He leads me to the dining  room.

I sit down and start eating. "Well Shawn's going on tour with magcon." I start. "Really?" Josh asks, shocked. "Yeah. I'm  gonna miss him so much." I clear my throat, trying not to cry again.

After an awkward silence he asks another question."So how's art going?" He smiles when I nod. "It's going pretty good." I reply. "Nice. You need to show me some later." Josh says as Shawn walks in, rubbing his eyes.

"Here's  a plate, Mendes." Josh smiles at him and pushes a breakfast plate towards him. "Thanks, Josh." Shawn smiles and takes the seat next to me. We all start eating. "So, tour huh?" Josh brings up an awkward conversation.

"Uh-yeah." Shawn looks down. "Don't get too caught up and forget about us at home." Josh smiles. My eyes widen as I look at Shawn. He looks the same. "I won't I pr-" Shawn looks at me. "I won't." He finishes his food.


"Hey!" I laugh as Shawn picks me up and runs. "You were going to slow!" He laughs. We were walking to Tim Hortons. When we got there we ordered the usual and sat down.

Next thing I know Cameron walks in. He gets his food, then sits next to Shawn. "Hey guys!" He smirks at me. He knew we hated him. "Goodbye, Cameron." Shawn rolls his eyes. "That is not a way to talk to your tour mate my friend!" Cameron exclaims as Shawn and I's eyes widen.

"Wait what?" Shawn asks. "Yeah. Bart loves me. You should too." Cameron smiles cheekily as I roll my eyes. "Why so quiet over there sweets?" He asks. "Because I hate you Cameron." I give him a dirty look.

"I love you  too baby girl." He winked at me. I try not to gag. Cameron left and Shawn and I finish  our food. "So what do you  want to do today?" Shawn asks. "Suprise me Mendes." I smile.


Okay. We're here." He smiles and gets out of the car. I reach for the  handle but he's  already there opening it for me. "What is this Mendes?" I ask as I get out of the car. "Well, this is a quiet park. I used to come here all the time. It's  peaceful." He smiles as we walk over and sit on the swings.

"Why did you stop when we met?" I ask. "Because I found somewhere else to hang out." He smiles at me. "Well, Mendes, I'll  be sure to hang out here whenever I feel lonely." I laugh. "Because you obviously had zero friends before I came along." I snickered.

"Haha very funny." He got up. I started to run but it was too late. He was already tickling me like crazy. "Stop!" I scream  in between laughs. "Okay okay let's  go home now." He smiles.

When we got to my house I threw on his sweater. "This is mine now." I smile as we walk up to my room. His chocolate cologn is strong on this sweater. We lay down and he pulls me close. "I leave tomorrow." He breaks our silence. "I-I know." I reply.

"I'm gonna miss you." He kisses my cheek. "I'm  gonna miss you too." I reply. "Please don't wait for me." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask

"Make new friends. Live your summer and some of your senior year without worrying about me. I love you but I can't let you do that to yourself." He explains.

"Oh." I reply. "I'll try." I snuggle closer to him. "When I'm  gone,  make some new  art for me, Vega." He smiles. I laugh. "I'll  try, Mendes." I reply and fall asleep.

(A/N): HEYYY Sorry late ass update but I've  been through hell lately 😂😂😂 I have basketball, need glasses, and this boy keeps messing with me. I'll  try to update  alot more but now that I have basketball expect less updates😂😂😂😂 byyyaaa

No Promises ~S.M~Where stories live. Discover now