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*Shawn's POV*

She sleeps on me but I lay awake. Minor heartache taking over my body as I realize, this is all going to be different tomorrow. She's not going to love me like she loves me today. She's not going to trust me. She's not going to kiss me.

She's going to find someone better. I don't deserve her. I never did. Yet, She stays with me. I shut my eyes and internally groan. Why is love so hard?

*Kaylia's POV*

"Kay." Shawn says, annoyed. I groan in response. "Get up! We need to go." A pillow hits my side. "What's up your ass today?" I groan once again. "We're going to be late if you don't get up." He kisses my cheek, then pushes me off of the bed.

"What the fuck?!" I yell. "Get up!" He holds his hand out. I gladly take it then kiss his cheek. Then, I smack him. He screams in pain and I kiss the cheek I hit. I smile innocently, then get ready.

In the elevator, Shawn was next to me, but he wasn't talking to me. "Come on Shawn!" I groan. He looks at me. "You slapped me!" He exclaimed. "You woke me up!" I reply. "You are so lucky I love you, Vega." He hugs me. Everyone got confused, but continued with their conversations.

The show was the same as every other show. Sang our songs, did a Q&A, had a meet and greet then it was over. I still can't get used to this rush.

While we were in the limo, I was between Shawn and Matt. "So, your star day is coming up." Shawn smiles. "You mean my birthday?" I roll my eyes and laugh. "Yes. And we are doing something special." He exclaims.

"I don't want to make a big deal, Mendes." I scroll through my twitter. "Well, too bad so sad, Vega." He winks. "I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit." I joke. "Oh, you love me." We laugh.

When we got to the hotel, we all decided to go to the pool. This is our last day in L.A after all. Matt and I were having a splash fight until Shawn pulled me aside. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm feeling great, Mendes." I reply.

"That's great, my love." He smiles. "You are cheesy." I roll my eyes. "I know." He kisses my cheek. I splash at him and he smirks. He splashes me full power and I freak out. I pull him under water and he laughs.

I lay my head on his chest while he picks something to watch on Netflix. He puts on a random scary movie. "So, we leave for London tomorrow." I yawn. "I know." He smiles

"You're going to have the best 17th birthday ever." He exclaims. "Shawn-" "I mean it Kay. You deserve it." He sighs. I groan. "Stop being so complicated!" He laughs.

Matt walks in and tells us to start packing. I get up and Shawn pulls me down. "Right now?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Yes." I pull him up.

*Shawn's POV*

"Hello London!" Kay exclaims to the crowd. They scream. She sings "Riptide" by Vance Joy and the crowd goes wild. I smile and she runs off stage and hugs me.

After the show everything was crazy. The fans mobbed us as we were exiting and Matt and I got lost from everybody else. We took pictures then got into the limo. Security had to drive some people home, that's how crazy it was.

When I got to the hotel, I went around to look for Kay, and nobody seen her. "I thought she was with you." Cam shrugged. "Where could she be?" I dial her number. It kept ringing until it went to voice mail. I groan. "Kay! Where are you? Call me back as soon as you get this." I sigh and hang up.

What if she's still stuck there? What if she's lost in London? What if she can't find the hotel?

I texted her nonstop. She still hasn't answered. Everyone starts to worry. We call and text her. Why doesn't she answer? Is she okay?

"I have to go look for her." I sigh and walk out of the hotel. Matt follows. "I'm not letting you go alone." He says. I try to look everywhere I can around the area. She's actually missing. What the fuck, Kay?

(A|N): Long time no write lol lol I've been "busy" watching shameless and big brother and hanging out with my only 2 frens. Sad case I know. Anywaysss I'll try to update soon. AND HAVE YOU SEEN SHAWN'S FRAGRANCE THAT SHIYT IS 60 DOLLA I CAN'T AFFORD THAT LIKE WTF okay rant over  bye now honnys

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