26~Birthday girl

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~Birthday girl~

*Kaylia's POV*

"Happy birthday!" I wake up, getting scared by Shawn's voice. "Fuck off!" I groan. "Time for school, goodie goodie!" He exclaims and jumps on top of me. "You are extra exited today." I groan.

I finally get up and start getting ready. I wore a black and white sweater, with some plain black pants. I put on my white vans slip ons and straighten my hair.

"I can't believe you're going to school on your birthday." He groans. "I do any other time." I shrug. "But this is your big eighteen!" He exclaims as Can walks up to us. At school, I got many birthday wishes.

After school, Shawn leads me to this karaoke place. "We have to sing a couple of songs." He pleads. "Fine." I groan. I steal his hat and hop on stage. "Hi guys!" I exclaim. Shawn snapchats me and I make a funny pose.

I sang an Ed sheeran song, and then Shawn joins me on stage. "Let's sing one together." He smiles. I nod. We sing 'The A Team" by Ed Sheeran, Then he leads me to taco bell. We eat, and mess around then we walk home.

"If I walk into a house party, I will kill you right here, right now." I warn. "It's not!" He defends. I walk in, to see all of the magcon crew, Josh, My mom, and Mia. "Surprise!" They all scream. I freeze. They all get confused.

"Hi!" I exclaim and hug everyone. I hugged Mia for an extra long time. "I haven't seen you in forever!" I exclaim. The magcon boys jump all over me, and I hug mahogany. "Time to dance!" Jack J yells and turns on the music.

I pick up sparky and dance around with him. Shawn takes him out of my arns and puts him down. "Save some of that energy for me." He winks. I laugh. We dance around stupidly and then Matt walks over.

"Hello mamasita!" He spins me around and we laugh. "Hi! How are you?" I ask. "The more important question is How are you And Shawn?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "You mean my boyfriend?" I smile. "No shit!" He exclaims as his mouth gapes open. "I'm happy it worked out!" He exclaims.

"He planned this really nice night for me. I loved it." I smile. As I continue to talk to Matt, I see my mother bringing in a cake, and Shawn shutting the lights off. "Happy birthday to you," She sings. "Happy birthday to you," everyone joins in.

"Happy birthday, Kaylia, happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings. I giggle and blow out the candles. Matt, being the person he is, smudged frosting on my face, and soon everyone else did too. There was basically a cake on my face.

All I could do is laugh along. "Let me get that for You" Shawn laughs then licks my face. "Ew!" I exclaim. "I love you too!" He giggles. I go into the bathroom and wash my face. When I walk out, I see that there was more people then there was at the start.

"House party!" Nash screams. My mom tells Shawn to take care of the house and leaves. "Oh no." I mumble and internally groan. Teenagers walk in with cans of beer and a keg. "Now the party is really starting!" Carter exclaims.

"Please tell me this is a nightmare." I walk towards the door. Shawn follows me. "I didn't know this was going to happen!" He explains. "It's fine." I fake a smile. "Let's atleast make some fun out of it." He pulls me towards Matt and Cameron.

"This is the birthday girl!" Matt raises my hand up and yells. Everyone cheers. "Matt." I groan. "She didn't want a house party." Shawn explains. "Oh. Well shit. It's kind of too late now." Matt winces. "I wish I could strangle you right now." I growl. "I'm sorry."

He hands me a drink. "Peace offering?" He asks. "I don't drink." I state. "You're eighteen. Of course you drink." He raises his eyebrows and I take the drink. "Only one though." I warn. "That's my Girl!" Cameron exclaims.

"Wait. Where's Sparky?" I worry after finishing the drink. "I locked him in your room. Don't worry. There's food, water and a litter box in there." Shawn assures me. "Okay." I reply.

After an hour, I feel horrible here. There's way too much people. I try to find Shawn, because I feel light headed. I finally find him. "Shawn, I can't be here." my breathing becomes heavier. "Why? Are you okay?" He asks. "Please just get me out." I start shaking.

He leads me to his car. "How much have you had to drink?" He asks. "Too much." My voice becomes very shaky. "I feel dizzy." I state. He puts me in the car. "Woah, did you drink anything?" I ask, worried. "No. I'm not stupid, Kaylia." He buckles my seat belt and then starts the car. "Where are we going?" I ask before passing out.

I wake up in the building where he put all of our pictures up at. "Here." Shawn hands me some aleves and an Arizona. "Thanks. What time is it?" I ask. "4 AM." he replies and sits next to me on my bean bag. "What happened?" I ask. "You drank too much, and you almost had a panic attack." He explains.

"Wow." I take the aleves. "You tired?" I ask. "I have to stay up with you. I want to help you through your first hangover." He smiles slightly. "Let's sleep it off at your house." I groan. "Gladly." He replies.

(A|N): hiii I know what you're thinking again. ANOTHER UPDATE??? Yesss I am on a role I have so many new ideas and BTW thanks for 400 reads I really appreciate it!! Anyways byaaa muffins !

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