| Happy Birthday |

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Dean x Daughter!Reader (I'm super obsessed with these, no lie 😂)

Dean x Daughter!Reader (I'm super obsessed with these, no lie 😂)

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*Based off the movie "Twitches"

"Stop moving, you're making noise."

"We're suppose to walk up behind her, dumbass, how am I suppose to not move?"

"Just shut up!"

Y/N could only chuckle under her breath as she heard her father and uncle arguing outside her door, shaking her head as she continued to write in her journal, pretending not to hear them. Just as she heard them tiptoeing up behind her, she jumped up and whirled around.

"Surprise!" She shouted with a grin, making her father and uncle visibly deflate in front of her. "Gotcha." She said smugly.

"Okay, you know what? Next year I'm just gonna stick your face in the damn cake." Dean said, though he was smiling widely at his daughter.

"Shut up, you love me." Y/N giggled, dipping her finger in the frosting and dipping it onto her father's nose.

"Eh, yeah, I kinda do." He shrugged playfully, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Happy birthday, baby girl."

"Thanks, Pop." Y/N smiled, squeezing her father's hand gently before grinning and wrapping her uncle into a tight embrace.

"Happy birthday, kiddo." Sam smiled, kissing her temple gently.

"Thanks, Uncle Sammy." Y/N smiled.

"So, what do you want to do today? It's all about you," Sam grinned.

"Yeah, which means it's not much different than yesterday, or the day before that, or the day before that..." Dean trailed off.

"As it should be!" Y/N laughed, blowing out the candle on the cake. "Can't believe it took you 15 years to figure that out." She teased.

"Oh okay, smart ass, don't push it." Dean rolled his eyes playfully at his daughter. "No, but really, what do you want to do today? We can do anything you want."

"Anything?" Y/N inquired, raising her eyebrows.

"Anything...just nothing illegal." Sam said, folding his arms over his chest.

"You got it, agent." The teenager retorted, folding her own arms.

Sam opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it and smirked at his niece. "Touché."

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Honestly? I don't want to do anything today. I just want to have a normal, stay at home movie day, where we chill in our pj's, and watch cheesy movies all day...while stuffing ourselves with junk food."

Sam and Dean shared a grin before Dean slung his arm around his daughter's shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I think we can manage that."


"Okay but...he's just going to let her leave?" Sam asked as The Parent Trap played on the screen. "Their daughters have been separated their entire lives and their just going to separate them again? Not to mention they're totally denying their feelings for each other." He said, to which Y/N cackled. The male looked over at her with a confused expression. "What?"

"Uncle Sammy, you are way too into this." She laughed, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Hey, it was your idea to watch this emotional roller coaster." He joked, nudging her with a little with his elbow.

"It's my favorite movie, what do you expect?" She grinned as Dean came back into the room, a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

"I'm just glad it's not a chick flick." He said, making his daughter roll her eyes.

"Shut up, you love chick flicks, she joked, nudging him gently with her toe.

"...okay, maybe." He shrugged, making Y/N laugh. She sighed in contentment, leaning against her father and propping her legs onto her uncle.

"Hey," Dean murmured, making his daughter crane his neck to look up at him. "Good day?"

Y/N smiled, nodding. "Great day."

Dean grinned widely, pressing a kiss to his daughter's forehead. "Happy birthday, baby girl."

"Thanks, Pop."

A/N- This wasn't the best, but you know. xD Hope you enjoyed! ~Hayden

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