| Dating Sam |

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Dating Sam Winchester would include:

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Dating Sam Winchester would include:

-Trying to pull him away from his books so he'll relax a little

-"Y/N, I really need to finish this-"

-"Just shut up and come spoon me."

-Arguing over who gets to pick the music considering neither of you ever get to do it

-Cuddles, so many cuddles

-Moose hugs

-Him placing his hands on your shoulders when he's standing behind you

-Random piggy back rides through the bunker

-Dean pretending he doesn't know you guys when you do it in public

-Him riding in the back with you when you're sleepy so you can use him as a pillow

-You and Dean liking the same music and annoying Sam when you both sing at the top of your lungs in the car

-Him grabbing you and spinning you around as "revenge" even though you're laughing the entire time

-Him resting his chin on the top of your head whenever he hugs you

-Him peppering your face with kisses when you're upset so you'll smile

-Being the little spoon

-And when you do get to be the big spoon you're basically sinking into the mattress behind him because oh God he's such a moose

-Helping him with research

-The boys always looking to you to resolve their fights

-"Y/N! Come tell your boyfriend that AC/DC is better than Green Day!"

-Stealing his flannels and basically being swallowed by them

-You being his freaking everything

A/N- These are like my favorite thing in the world tbh xD Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget requests are open! Please leave them in my inbox :-) Love yoooooou! ~Hayden

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