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*For T_K_Books*

Sam x ReaderWriting Prompt:8 - "Just pretend to be my date

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Sam x Reader
Writing Prompt:
8 - "Just pretend to be my date."


"I don't know about this." Sam said, his brow furrowed in worry as his best friend adjusted his tie. They were preparing to head to a party in order to investigate a case they were working. "I mean, I don't really know how I feel about using you as bait."

"Well, technically we're both being used as bait, so it's not like I'm alone." Y/N said, raising her eyebrows as she smoothed a hand over his tie.

"C'mon, Sammy, it's not like we're not going to be prepared." Dean said as he struggled with his own tie. "Look, whatever we're looking for is targeting couples, and we can't exactly find out what it is unless it comes at us head on - son of a bitch!" he swore when he knotted his tie. "Y/N," he whined. "Help, please?"

Y/N rolled her eyes fondly and finished up Sam's tie before making her way over to the older Winchester brother and wrapping the tie around his neck. "For a badass hunter, you can be a big baby."

"Shut up." Dean grumbled, but chuckled when the woman playfully pushed his head.

"I know, but still. This isn't our normal thing." Sam said, wringing his fingers together nervously.

"Okay, well, if you don't want to be Y/N's husband for a night, then I'll do it." Dean raised his eyebrows with a small smirk, well aware of the crush his younger brother had on his best friend.

"No, no, I'll do it!" Sam said quickly, his brow furrowing.

"It's okay, Sam. I know your standards are too high for the likes of me." Y/N teased with a wink in her best friend's direction, making Dean snicker. This woman loved making his little brother flustered.

"No, it's not that!" Sam defended, his cheeks growing rosy. "I-I just - I don't -"

"Sam," Y/N laughed, finishing up on Dean's tie before making her way over to her best friend and placing her hands on his shoulders, gazing up at him with a smile of admiration. "I'm just messing with you. Look, I know how to handle myself, okay? I'll be fine. Especially with my big bad husband to protect me." she joked, nudging the other's ribs gently with her elbow. "Just pretend to be my date for one night and I promise I won't make you endure anymore of my relationship nonsense, I promise."

Sam frowned, placing his hand gently on her wrist. "You know that's not what I meant."

"I know that, loser, I'm just messing with you." Y/N hummed, bumping the other's hip with her own before pecking his cheek and moving to the table to grab her purse. "Let's just get going, yeah?"

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