| One Inner Quest |

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*For SimplySavi*

Dean x ReaderContinued from The Good Witch of The WinchestersBased off the movie Twitches Two_

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Dean x Reader
Continued from The Good Witch of The Winchesters
Based off the movie Twitches Two

"Dean!" Gemma exclaimed as her boyfriend was thrown against the wall by the spirit, leaving him even bloodier than he already was.

Sam's eyes flickered back and forth from the direction the spirit went to his wounded brother. "Gem-"

"Go. Catch the son of a bitch. I'll take care of Dean." Gemma said, and Sam gave her a nod before racing off in the spirit's direction. Gemma reached out and tenderly tugged her boyfriend into her lap, cradling him gently in her arms.

Dean gasped out a breath, his brow furrowed painfully. "G-Gem.."

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you." The woman said, cradling his head tenderly against her chest. "I'm going to fix this, okay?"

Dean's eyes were closed as he rested against his girlfriend's chest, his breathing raspy. "H-Hurts.."

"I know, baby. I know." Gemma whispered, brushing her fingers through his hair. "I think I know a spell that might help, okay? Just try to relax."

Dean did as he was told, sagging gently against the witch's chest and taking comfort in her warmth.

Gemma took a slow breath before she began to recite a healing spell she had memorized for situations just like this. "The powers of the sun, and the forces of the moon, become one inner quest to heal what has been hurt, and fix what has been broken."

The eclipse shaped amulet around her neck began to glow brightly as the power within it activated, the bright light causing Dean to wince and whimper quietly. Gemma held him tighter against her and continued to speak.

"Let my light shine into the eternal night, and leave no part untouched so that I may free my friends from the pain that haunts them."

With those final words, Dean's wounds slowly began to heal themselves. The blood on his face disappeared and the pounding in his head slowly came to a stop, and within seconds, Dean was as good as new.

Dean cracked open his green eyes as his pain subsided, looking up at his girlfriend with amazement. "Woah.."

"Feel better?" Gemma asked softly, continuing to brush her fingers through his hair softly.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." Dean whispered, raising his eyebrows. "Thank you."

"Of course," Gemma said, pressing a soft kiss to the man's forehead. "You sure you feel okay?" she asked gently.

"Yeah. Yeah, I feel great." Dean laughed gently, looking up at his girlfriend. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"I know." Gemma teased, pressing her lips to his softly.

Dean smiled into her mouth, reaching a hand up to gently cup her cheek in his palm. "I love you."

Gemma smiled. "I love you too."


A/N- I'm seriously loVING these requests you guys, PLEASE KEEP EM COMING

ALSO I realize I changed the spell up a little in this, but I only did that to fit the context, so you know

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ALSO I realize I changed the spell up a little in this, but I only did that to fit the context, so you know.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! ❤️

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Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! ❤️

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

-Requests are open-

-Requests are open-

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