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Sam x Reader

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Sam x Reader

"Sammy?" Y/N whispered as she entered her boyfriend's bedroom, keeping her voice soft as she knew the slightest sounds hurt his already pounding head. The trials had really taken a lot out of Sam, and he still had some left to complete. All she wanted to do was see him healthy again, to see him smile again, because seeing him so broken and tired broke her heart. But right now, all she could do was hold him and do what she was able to help.

Sam cracked open his weary eyes when he heard his girlfriend's voice, smiling when he saw her. "Hi," he breathed, grunting as he rolled over and reached a hand out for her. "You're back."

Y/N smiled softly, reaching forward to take his hand and sit at his bedside. "How you feeling?" she asked gently, reaching over to cup his cheek, trying not to wince at how warm he was.

"I'm okay." Sam whispered, his voice hoarse. "I missed you." he smiled weakly, leaning his cheek into his girlfriend's palm.

Y/N smiled, bringing his knuckle to her lips and kissing it tenderly. "I missed you more." she murmured, brushing some of his brown locks away from his eyes. "Do you need anything? Maybe some water or something to eat?"

Sam shook his head, his eyes closing. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I don't mind, really."

"Y/N," Sam whispered, his voice raspy as he rolled his head to look at her. "I just need you here. Please just be here." he begged softly, squeezing her hand. "Please."

"Shh, okay. It's okay, I'm here." Y/N whispered, crawling into bed beside him and bringing all 6'4 of him to rest against her.

Sam pressed his face into her chest, letting his eyes fall shut as he wrapped his muscular arms around her waist. He inhaled her familiar scent, making him feel safe and secure as he laid against her. "I love you, Y/N." he whispered, his wheezy breathing evening out now that he was finally safe in her embrace.

"I love you too, my moose." Y/N whispered, holding him tight as she gently ran her fingers through his long hair. His brother always teased him for it, but God, did she love it. "You're going to be okay. I promise."

Sam sighed softly, feeling content for the first time in weeks. "Okay." he whispered. And for the first time, he believed it.

A/N- So this was short but I'm rewatching Supernatural and my Sam feels are out the roof, dear GOD I LOVE THAT MAN WITH ALL MY LITTLE FANGIRL HEART

A/N- So this was short but I'm rewatching Supernatural and my Sam feels are out the roof, dear GOD I LOVE THAT MAN WITH ALL MY LITTLE FANGIRL HEART

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Thanks for reading!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! I love you all so much ❤️

Thanks for reading!! I hope you guys enjoyed!! I love you all so much ❤️

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Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

Much love,нαу∂єи ☕️

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