| Told You So |

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*For BeautifulMax2001*

Sam and Dean x little sister!Reader_

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Sam and Dean x little sister!Reader

Max groaned when her eyes fluttered open, her head pounding. She looked around as her blurry sight cleared up, only to find herself in a dark warehouse, the only light being the moon streaming through the large windows. It was then that all the memories of the evening suddenly came flooding back to her.

Hunting a vampire with Sam and Dean. Using herself as bait. Trying to seduce the vampire. Her drink tasting a little funny...

"Oh, son of a bitch..." Max whispered to herself when she realized the vampire had spiked her drink.

"Ah, look who's finally awake." An alluring voice said from the other side of the warehouse.

Max looked up to see the vampire from earlier that night coming towards her, a wicked smirk gracing his lips.

"You know, if you really want to find a girl, I don't think drugging and kidnapping them is the way to go." Max deadpanned, arching an eyebrow.

The vampire chuckled, shaking his head. "You're funny." he said, pulling a chair up in front of the one she was currently tied to and taking a seat across from her. "I like you. Really, I do. Most of the girls I grab just scream and cry. They make turning them into my dinner a lot less appealing."

"Well, what can I say? I don't scare easily." Max said, a glare prominent in her narrowed eyes.

"Of course you don't! You, my girl, are a Winchester." The vampire grinned sinisterly.

"I may be a Winchester, but I sure as hell am not your girl." Max growled. "And let me tell you something, my brothers are going to find me, and they are going to kick your ass so hard, you'll taste shoe polish for a month."

The vampire chuckled, raising his eyebrows. "Aren't you cute?" he murmured. "Listen, sweetheart, I don't want to hurt you. Really, I don't. So I'll tell you what. You tell me where your brothers are right now, and I'll let you go." he said, leaning close to her face and caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "I promise."

Instead of responding, Max spit in the vampire's face, making him jump back and hiss.

"Get a life, asshat." she snapped.

"Wrong answer." The vampire growled, his fangs appearing from his gums before he was digging into the youngest Winchester's neck.

Max screamed out in agony, throwing her head back as waves of pain flared throughout her body.


Max felt herself let out a sob of relief when the vampire released her and was soon tackled to the floor by Dean.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Sam said as he rushed to his little sister's side, quickly untying her from the chair. "I'm here. I've got you."

"Sammy," Max breathed, feeling herself slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Shh, don't try to talk, okay?" The older Winchester whispered, ripping off a part of his flannel sleeve and gently pressing it to the wound on his little sister's neck. "Keep that on your neck, okay?" he instructed gently.

"Sam! Get her out of here!" Dean called as he struggled to fight the vampire. 

Sam did as he was told and hoisted his little sister into his arms, who didn't hesitate to press her head into the crook of his neck as she held the fabric to her neck to stop the blood flow.

"Sam, I-I'm sorry," Max whispered, and Sam furrowed his brow as he made his way outside to the impala.

"What? Max, why?"

"I-I couldn't even...I mean, I should have-"

"Hey, no, don't start that crap, you understand me?" Sam said, his eyebrows shooting up. "There is nothing you could have done to stop this, okay? So don't you dare try blaming yourself."

Max nodded, pressing her face deeper into her brother's neck. "Still sorry."

"Don't be, Maxie. Don't be." Sam whispered as he crawled into the backseat of the car, draping his little sister across his lap.

It wasn't long before Dean was exiting the warehouse, his shirt covered in vamp blood. He got into the driver's seat and sighed. "What did I tell you? I knew this was a bad plan from the start, and hey, I was right! Look where it got us!"

"Dean, not now." Sam snapped, hugging his little sister protectively to his chest.

"M'sorry, De." Max whispered, feeling herself grow tired as she breathed in the familiar scent of her brother's shirt.

Dean's eyes softened and he sighed gently as he started down the road. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. Let's just focus on getting you patched up, yeah?"

Max nodded, beginning to drift off until Sam shook her gently.

"Hey, hey, stay awake for me, okay?"

Max whimpered, gripping the front of his shirt. "M'tired."

"I know, babe. We're going to get you patched up and then you can sleep as long as you want, okay? I promise." Sam said, rocking her gently.

"Mmkay." Max said, and although she was hurt, the security and comfort of her brothers' presence was enough to make her content.


A/N- this prompt was super cute, like Sam and Dean as big brothers make me so happy oml

idk what that gif is tbh, i just really wanted to use it because Dan Howell with natural curly hair is my favorite thing in the entire world

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idk what that gif is tbh, i just really wanted to use it because Dan Howell with natural curly hair is my favorite thing in the entire world.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

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