| Friggin' Vamps |

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*For Molbash_Cannonball*

*For Molbash_Cannonball*

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Dean x Reader

"Son of a bitch!" Y/N swore when she was thrown to the floor by the vampire she was currently attempting to gank, gasping when the bloodsucker wrapped his hands around her neck.

"This is such a waste," he said with a sigh, bringing a hand up to stroke down her cheek. "A pretty little thing like you should be used for more."

"Bite me, Twilight." Y/N growled, spitting in his face.

The vampire hissed, getting closer to her neck. "Gladly.."


Both heads turned when Dean came running in, slicing the vamp's head off with one quick swing of his machete. The decapitated body fell to the floor and Y/N scrambled backward, trying to get away from it.

"Dickhead." she muttered, brushing herself off before Dean took her hands and pulled her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" he said, dropping his weapon and pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Y/N murmured, pressing her face into his shoulder and wrapping her arms tight around his waist. "I've had a lot worse, don't worry." she said, giving a pat to his back before attempting to pull away. But Dean's grip was tight and insistent, and unwavering. Y/N wrapped her arms tighter around him, squeezing him gently. "I'm okay, Dean. I promise." she murmured, pressing a kiss to the crook of his neck.

"I know that." Dean mumbled into her shirt, sighing softly before pulling away and holding her at arm's length. "You sure?"

Y/N laughed gently and nodded, giving his forearms a gentle squeeze. "I'm fine, Dean. Nothing I can't handle." she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek before walking around him and out the warehouse to the Impala.

Dean huffed out a soft sigh of relief, running a hand through his hair as he stared after his best friend. He hated worrying so much. After all, he knew she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. But considering he was so unbelievably and completely whipped by his feelings for her, he couldn't particularly help himself.

"Hey," Sam said as he came up beside his big brother, clamping a hand to his shoulder. "You okay?"

The older Winchester brother looked up and raised his eyebrows at the younger man. "I'm fine."

Sam smirked. "You so like her, dude."

Dean rolled his forest green eyes. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Not to her." The younger said, shoving a hand into his pocket and raising his eyebrows. "I don't see why you don't just tell her. I mean, honestly, what's stopping you?"

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