| Hey Jude |

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Dean x Reader

(A/N- Don't tell me you didn't see this coming xD Enjoy!)

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(A/N- Don't tell me you didn't see this coming xD Enjoy!)

Y/N awoke to the all too familiar sound of whimpering coming from the motel bed next to hers. Sam had come down with the flu and was currently back at the bunker while he recovered, leaving just Dean and Y/N together. Not that she minded of course, Dean was her best friend. The only thing she didn't like was having to hear him struggle inside his own mind. Nightmares.

Y/N carefully slid out of bed and tiptoed over to his bed, sitting on the empty side and placing a soft hand on Dean's shoulder. "Dean? Hey, Dean, wake up."

Dean tensed under her hand, his shoulders hunching as he buried his tear stained face further into his pillow. "Please..."

Y/N's eyes stung slightly at how much her best friend was struggling. She hushed him gently, placing a hand in his hair and gently stroking it back. "Wake up, Dean. Come back to me."

Dean seemed to relax at the sound of her gentle voice, his teary eyes fluttering open and meeting hers. "Y/N...?" He whispered.

"I'm here," Y/N whispered, brushing her thumb tenderly over his skin. "You're okay, Dean, I'm here. You're safe."

Dean clenched his eyes shut again and ran a hand over his face, trying to clear it of the tears covering his perfect skin. "I'm sorry..." He whispered, but it was so quiet and broken it came out as more of a whimper.

"It's okay, sweetie, don't apologize." Y/N whispered, bending down so she could press a gentle kiss to his forehead.

Dean rolled over so his head was resting in her lap, his arm draping gently around her waist. "I really fudging hate this."

Y/N couldn't help but smile despite herself, wiggling down into the bed so Dean's head was resting against her chest. She gently carded her fingers through his dirty blonde hair, her eyes fluttering to a close. "I know. I'm sorry."

Dean shifted so his head was nuzzled into her neck, tears still managing to escape his eyes every now and again. "Y/N?"

Y/N's heart broke at how small his voice sounded. "Hm?"

"Sing? Please?"



It's not like she minded singing for Dean, because let's face it, it's Dean. But she hadn't sung in a long ass time. The only time she ever really sung in front of anyone was when she was doing things around the bunker or when one of the brothers wasn't feeling well. But like hell she was going to tell him no.

"Sure." Y/N whispered, carding her hands through his hair gently. She thought for a moment before she smiled softly and began to sing.

Hey Jude, don't make it bad

Take a sad song and make it better.

Dean smiled at the familiar words, letting his eyes fall to a close.

Remember to let her into your heart

Then you can start to make it better

Y/N turned onto her side so she was facing her best friend, her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders as she sung the words softly into his shoulder. She couldn't help but marvel at how true those words really were. Dean had pushed her away for so long in situations like these, never wanting to show her his weakness or let her know he had a breaking point. But finally, finally, one night looking into her concerned filled eyes, he allowed her to soothe him. To make him whole again.

Hey Jude, don't be afraid

You were made to go out and get her

Dean felt his green eyes drooping and he snuggled his head into the crook of Y/N's neck, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Y/N pressed her lips to his hair, brushing her nose gently against his ear in comfort.

The minute you let her under your skin

Then you begin to make it better

Y/N looked down to see Dean fast asleep in her arms and she couldn't help but smile. She did that. She made it better. She would always make it better. Always for Dean.

A/N- I am officially obsessed with Hey Jude xD Hope you enjoyed!!

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