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Dean x ReaderBased off season 12 episode 11_

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Dean x Reader
Based off season 12 episode 11

"Okay." Dean whispered to himself as he stared into the mirror, his voice raspy. "My name is Dean Winchester. Sam Winchester is my brother, Mary Winchester is my mom, Y/N [Last Name] is my girlfriend, and Cast-" he stopped when he couldn't remember his angel companion's full name, clearing his throat. "Cas is my best friend." he whispered. He paused, looking up so he could stare at himself in the mirror. "M-My name is Dean...Win-Winchester." he said quietly. "Sam is my...my..." he trailed off, trying to rack his brain for the answer, but he came up blank. He took a shuddering breath, gripping tightly to the counter as he tried to remember. "My...My name is..." Nothing. He couldn't remember anything. Not his name, not his family, nothing. "I don't know." he whispered, his chest swelling with panic. "I don't know." he whimpered at his reflection in the mirror.

"Dean?" Y/N whispered as she poked her head into the bathroom, her eyes concerned for her boyfriend.

Dean turned around, fear swirling within his emerald colored eyes. "Is that me?" he asked quietly.

Y/N smiled sadly, nodding. "Yeah, baby. You're Dean Winchester." she said softly, reaching forward to take his hands in hers. "Do you remember my name?"

Dean's brow furrowed for a minute in thought and he looked back up at the woman, tipping his head to the side. "I..." he struggled for a minute, groaning and putting his head into his hands as he tried to remember her name. "I know this, I know this-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Y/N said gently, putting a hand gently on his shoulder.

The man seemed to relax slightly under her touch, sighing quietly. "I-I don't remember. I'm sorry." he said sadly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Y/N said gently, taking his hand in hers again. "My name is Y/N [Last Name]."

Dean's eyes lit up slightly, some of the fear dissolving as he looked at her. "That's right.." he whispered, smiling weakly. "Hi, Y/N."

Y/N smiled gently. "Hi, baby. Do you want to come sit with me?" she asked softly.

Dean nodded and let her guide him out of the bathroom. The two sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard shoulder to shoulder.

"Why can't I remember anything?" Dean asked, his brow furrowed as he looked over at his girlfriend.

"Well, long story short, someone put a spell on you. It made you forget." Y/N said softly.

"But-But why?" Dean asked quietly. "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything, baby." Y/N said, gently linking both of her arms through his and pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "People just suck, that's all."

Dean turned his head and pressed his nose into the woman's hair, inhaling the distantly familiar scent and letting it comfort him. "Apparently."

"It's okay. Sam and Rowena are out fixing it now. You'll be back to normal in no time." she said gently.

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