| We're All Mad Here |

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Sam x Reader_

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Sam x Reader

"What're you drawing?" Y/N's best friend -Y/N's dead best friend, who only she could see- Evan asked as she sat on her bed, sketching the fern on the other side of the room. She had been here in the asylum ever since Evan passed about a year ago, because apparently seeing her dead best friend even though no one else did was considered "mentally unstable." It wasn't the kind of thing you saw in the movies though, where the insane girl saw her dead best friend telling her to murder innocent people or anything. No, Evan was the same Evan he always had been. Sarcastic, witty, and well, her best friend. She didn't know if she just saw him because she was mad with grief or what, but hey, he kept her company.

"The plant." Y/N answered vaguely, not looking up.

"You could always draw me." Evan shrugged, sitting on the foot of her bed.

"The whole reason I'm in here is because I talk to you." Y/N arched an eyebrow. "I don't think drawing you will convince anyone that I'm getting better."

"You could just not talk to me." Evan shrugged.

"That would be a good plan if you actually ever shut up." Y/N deadpanned.

Evan rolled his whiskey colored eyes. "You're mean to me."

"Mhm." Y/N said, not bothering to meet his eyes. She did however look up when she heard the door to her bedroom open, smiling when she saw her friend Sam poke his head in. "Hey, Sam."

Sam smiled, wringing his fingers together. "Hey, Y/N." he said softly. "Mind if I come sit with you?"

"Not at all. C'mere." The woman said, reaching her hand out for the tall man. Sam had been admitted to the asylum about three months ago, claiming he saw the devil everywhere he went. Talking to Y/N had really been helping him keep his thoughts at bay, and God, he was so grateful for that.

Sam padded into the room and took her hand, taking a seat on the bed beside her. "What're you up to?"

"Just drawing." Y/N shrugged. "I finally finished the one of you a few hours ago."

"Really?" Sam smiled. "Can I see?"

"Sure," Y/N said, tucking her pencil behind her ear and handing him her sketch book.

Sam flipped to the page where the drawing was and grinned upon seeing the black and white sketch. "It looks so good." he smiled over at her.

"You really like it?" Y/N asked with a bright grin.

"I love it, Y/N. Thank you." Sam smiled.

"Of course! Thank you for letting me turn you into an art project." Y/N said, nudging her friend with her elbow and resting her head gently against his shoulder.

Sam tipped his head against hers, humming softly. "M'tired." he murmured.

"Did you have a bad night last night?" Y/N asked, linking her arms through his and pressing her nose into his shoulder.

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