| Such a Buzzkill |

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Sam x Reader_

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Sam x Reader

Y/N shifted slightly in Sam's arms, cracking open her eyes and letting them land on the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand beside the bed. 5:54 AM. She realized she only had six minutes before she had to get up and groaned quietly, being careful not to wake the sleeping male beside her. She craned her neck so she could let her eyes scan over his sleeping face, smiling at the way his long eyelashes fluttered against his flawless skin. It was only when the memories of their passionate love making the night before entered her mind that she realized she wasn't wearing any clothes under the duvet wrapped around her.

She slowly slid out of her boyfriend's arms and swung her legs over the side of the bed, letting her feet touch the floor. She reached over and pulled her boyfriend's flannel from the floor where he had carelessly thrown it the night before, slipping it on and buttoning it up so it covered her torso and her bottom. She stood up and turned off her alarm clock so it wouldn't wake Sam, moving to make her way to the bathroom before a warm hand wrapped itself around her wrist.

Sam hummed and shifted a bit, tugging gently at her hand in an attempt to pull her back to bed. "Come back." he murmured huskily, sending chills up and down Y/N's spine.

"I have to get up." she murmured, kneeling beside the bed and pressing a kiss to his knuckle. "I have that dentist appointment this morning, remember?"

Sam whined, tugging on her hand again. "Why did you have to schedule it so early?"

"It's not until eight o'clock, you loser. But I don't want to have to rush." Y/N said, brushing her thumb gently over the back of his hand.

"Five more minutes." Sam pouted, cracking open his tired hazel eyes and looking up at her.

Y/N groaned. "Sam."

"Please?" he asked, tugging at her hand once more.

Y/N sighed, shaking her head and crawling back into the bed next to him. "I'm beginning to wonder if you're my boyfriend or my puppy."

Sam hummed happily, draping his arm around her waist and tugging her closer. "Shut up, you love me." he murmured, resting his head on her chest.

Y/N snickered, draping her arm around his bare back and tangling her fingers into his hair. "You're lucky I do, you dork."

Sam hummed in agreement, pressing soft kisses up her shoulder and around her collar bone. "Yeah, I am."

Y/N smiled, tracing her fingers slowly up and down his back and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "I love you."

Sam hummed, snuggling his head into the crook of her neck and planting a gentle kiss on her skin. "I love you too." he murmured, squeezing her gently.



"I still have to get up in like three minutes."

"Such a buzzkill."


A/N- there are so many cute gifs of Sam uGh I cry

A/N- there are so many cute gifs of Sam uGh I cry

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I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! ❤️

-Requests are open-

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

Much love,нαу∂єи ☕️

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