| Here's Daddy |

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demon!Dean x daughter!Reader

(slight)Kevin x Reader (Platonic)

{Ideas and/or requests are greatly appreciated, guys xD Enjoy!}

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{Ideas and/or requests are greatly appreciated, guys xD Enjoy!}

"Y/N. Y/N, wake up, kiddo."

Y/N was awoken from her slumber when a familiar hand rubbed her back softly and the voice of her Uncle Sam cut into her ears. She raised her head to find that she had fallen asleep at the table in the library, the page in her book wrinkled from where she had been laying on it.

"How long was I out?" She asked groggily, rubbing at her sleepy eyes.

"About half an hour. I would have let you sleep, but I figured sleeping at a right angle wasn't going to do anything for you." Sam joked with a soft smile, trying to take his niece's mind off her demon of a father in the dungeon.

Y/N couldn't help but smile, shaking her head and raking a hand through her messy hair. "Now I know where I get my dorkiness from." She mumbled playfully, making Sam chuckle.

"You should go get some sleep, kiddo." He said.

"Yeah. You should too." Y/N said, raising her eyebrows at her uncle.

"I know. I will. I'm going to go do another trial on your dad, see what happens." He sighed, ruffling his own hair.

"Okay, yeah. Hey, are you sure you don't want me to go down there with you?" Y/N asked, almost hopefully. Demon or not, Dean was still her father. She missed his hugs, his forehead kisses. She missed him.

"Y/N, we've talked about this..." Sam said, raising his eyebrows at his niece.

"Yeah, I know. I just.." The teenager trailed off.

"I know." Sam said, gently pulling her into a hug. "I know."

Y/N sighed, wrapping her arms around her uncle's middle and closing her eyes.

"We're going to get him back. You know that, right?" Sam asked into her thick hair.

"I know." Y/N sighed, squeezing him a little tighter.

"Okay." Sam said, giving his niece one last squeeze before pulling away. "Go get some rest, okay?"

"Yeah, alright." Y/N sighed, raking a hand through her hair one last time before making her way towards the stairs. "Goodnight."

"Night, kiddo."

The teenager trudged upstairs to her bedroom and changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She slipped underneath her comforter and brought her pillow close, burying her face into it and closing her eyes. She welcomed sleep with open arms.


Y/N was jolted from her slumber when she heard her phone go off, making a soft groan escape of her lips. She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand. 2:03 AM. She rubbed at her eyes and grabbed her cell phone, looking at the text message displayed across the screen.

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