| The Little Things |

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Castiel x Reader (Platonic)

Y/N jumped slightly when her eyes met the familiar blue of Castiel's, a small breath of releif escaping her shaking lips when she realized it was just her angel companion

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Y/N jumped slightly when her eyes met the familiar blue of Castiel's, a small breath of releif escaping her shaking lips when she realized it was just her angel companion.

"God, Cas, don't do that." She snapped, a lot harsher than she meant to.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you." Cas said, his brow furrowing when he saw the dried tear stains on his friend's face. "You've been crying."

Y/N sniffed, wiping a hand over her face and letting out a grim laugh. "Gee, how could you tell?"

"Well, you have tear tracks on your skin, so I just assumed-"

"I was being sarcastic, Cas."

"Oh. Apologies."

Y/N couldn't help but smile sadly, propping herself against the headboard of her bed and shaking her head. "That's okay. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"That's okay." Cas said, making his way to the side of her bed and sitting on the edge. "What's wrong? Why are you upset?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, Cas." Y/N mumbled, raking a hand through her hair.

Cas tilted his head, slightly confused. Normally Y/N never had an issue telling him what was bothering her. But if she didn't want to tell him, he wasn't going to push.

"Okay." He replied. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Y/N smiled softly, placing her hand over his. "You being here is enough."

Cas smiled a bit, moving further onto the bed so they were sitting shoulder to shoulder on the comforter. Neither of them said a word, just sat in a comfortable silence as Y/N took comfort in the angel's precense. She sighed softly, letting a small yawn escape her as she rested her head against his shoulder.

Cas noticed her exhaustion immeadiately. "You can sleep if you'd like, Y/N. I'll watch over you."

Y/N smiled. "Thanks, Cas. I appreciate it."

"Anytime, Y/N." Cas said, giving an affectionate pat to her head as she slowly drifted off to sleep on his shoulder.


Later, Dean peaked his head into the bedroom to check on his friend. "Y/N?"

"Shh..." Cas said softly, looking up from the book he had found on the nightstand and pressing a finger to his pink lips. "She's asleep."

"Sorry." Dean whispered. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine, don't worry." Cas smiled, and Dean couldn't help but return it with a nod.

"Okay." He said, and though he'd never admit it, the sight of his angel friend and his best friend curled up together warmed his heart to no end.

A/N- I know it's kind of short but I realized I had like zero Cas imagines and I just really needed one. xD I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget requests for all books are open! Love you guys! ~Hayden <3

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