| Toddler Edition |

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*For SimplySavi*

Writing Prompt:Short- "You did WHAT?!"_

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Writing Prompt:
Short- "You did WHAT?!"

"Sammy?!" Dean called as he ran through the witch's tavern, looking desperately for his little brother. He had to admit, he couldn't help but feel bad hunting witches, considering his girlfriend was one. But unfortunately, not all of them had good intentions like his girlfriend, and needed to be taken down.

But sometimes, taking them down came with a price.

In this case, the price was turning the corner and coming face to face with not his six foot four little brother, but a small toddler no older than four years old standing a pile of his brother's clothes.

Dean knew exactly what his little brother looked like when he was a child, so there was no doubt in his mind that this was Sam.

He swallowed slowly before speaking. "Sammy...?"

The toddler looked up, his hazel eyes brightening at the sight of his big brother. He reached his hands up with a bright smile. "De!"

Dean breathed a heavy sigh when he realized his brother was not only a toddler physically, but mentally too. At least he still knew who he was. "Hey, bud, c'mere." he said, scooping his little brother into his arms, his now oversized flannel wrapped around his small body. "You okay? Are you hurt?"

The little boy shook his head, resting his head against his big brother's shoulder and yawning softly. "M'sleepy." he murmured, tucking his head into the crook of the older man's neck.

"Sammy, was there anybody else in here with you?" Dean asked, trying to figure out where the witch had gone.

But Sam shook his head, rubbing at his eyes tiredly. "No." he said softly, and Dean knew conversation was a lost cause.

"Okay, bud. Let's go home, okay?" he said gently, scooping down to grab the rest of his brother's clothes from the floor as he juggled his now kid brother in his free arm. It was gonna be okay. He could fix this. Maybe Gemma could help. But damn, was she gonna be pissed.


"You did WHAT?!" Gemma exclaimed after her boyfriend spoke, her eyebrows shooting up. "Let me get this straight, you go after The Enchantress by yourself, without telling me, and bipity, bopity, boo, Sam is four years old again?" she questioned, her eyes wide.

Oh yeah. She was pissed.

"Kind of." Dean sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Gemma asked, throwing her hands into the air.

"Gem, baby, I love you, but what would you have done with a broken leg?" Dean asked, looking down at his girlfriend's booted leg.

"I could still fight! I'm not on crutches!" Gemma exclaimed, pouting slightly.

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