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teen! Sam x Reader

A/N- I think it's safe to say I am officially obsessed with Jared Padalecki on Gilmore Girls xD Anyway, enjoy!!

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A/N- I think it's safe to say I am officially obsessed with Jared Padalecki on Gilmore Girls xD Anyway, enjoy!!

[text: Sam] I'm bored

[text: Y/N]  Join the club, we've got jackets

[text: Sam] Wow, the sass is reAL

[text: Y/N] shut up, I'm going through coffee withdraw

[text: Sam] oh my

[text: Y/N] I wish you were here so you could come get some with me :(((

[text: Sam] I wish I was there too. I'm so sorry I had to leave like that

[text: Y/N] Don't be! not your fault. we can still visit each other, yeah? :D

[text: Sam] absolutely!

[text: Y/N] yeeee

[text: Sam] you're too cute for your own good

[text: Y/N] awe, Sammy, you flatter me

[text: Sam] I try ;))

[text: Y/N] nO

[text: Y/N] Not the winky face. Never the winky face

[text: Sam] but whyyyyy

[text: Y/N] it's CREEPY

[text: Y/N] THAT'S WHY

[text: Sam] how rude

[text: Y/N] thanks, I try

[text: Sam] Y/N?

[text: Y/N] Samuel?

[text: Sam] I miss you. So much

[text: Y/N] I miss you too. I really didn't think it was capable to miss someone this much

[text: Y/N] but apparently it is

[text: Y/N] and it sucks

[text: Sam] it totally sucks

[text: Sam] is it just me or is it almost...painful?

[text: Y/N] it's painful. it is so painful, dude

[text: Y/N] it hurts like hell

[text: Sam] it totally does

[text: Y/N] I just realized how sappy and depressing this just got xD

[text: Sam] HA xD sorry

[text: Y/N] don't be. I love talking to you. Even if it is all sappy and sad :))

[text: Sam] I love talking to you too :))

[text: Sam] can I ask you something?

[text: Y/N] go for it

[text: Sam] why do you talk to me?

[text: Y/N] what do you mean?

[text: Sam] it's just you're so talented and beautiful and I'm...well, me.

[text: Y/N] oh my God, are you freaking kidding me?

[text: Y/N] Sam, do you understand how amazing you are? do you???

[text: Y/N] you're SO smart, and sweet, and funny, and so unbelievably adorable with those stupidly cute dimples

[text: Sam] ...you think my dimples are cute?

[text: Y/N] damn straight

[text: Sam] that's sweet :)))

[text: Y/N] it's true!! you're freaking awesome, Sam. Please, God, don't let anybody tell you any different

[text: Sam] Y/N, I don't...I don't know what to say

[text: Y/N] don't say anything. just trust me when I say you are incredible and I love you :)))

[text: Sam] I love you too. Thank you

Sam grinned in the back seat of the impala, gripping his phone to his chest and rubbing his thumbs over the key pad. Dean looked in the rearview mirror, arching an eyebrow at his little brother. "What you smiling at, Sammy?"

Sam only looked up at his big brother with bright eyes and a big smile. "She loves me."

A/N- I love Sam so much, I need help xD I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget requests are open!! Love you guys!! ~Hayden <3

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