| A Certain Hunter |

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*For Corvus_Lupus_*

Sam x Reader(Can we just talk about how good Sammy looks here because honESTLY)

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Sam x Reader
(Can we just talk about how good Sammy looks here because honESTLY)

Y/N looked up from her book when she felt two familiar arms wrap themselves around her waist, looking up into her boyfriend's smiling face.

"Whatcha reading?" Sam hummed, pressing his lips tenderly against his girlfriend's temple.

Y/N chuckled softly, rubbing his arm and leaning back against his chest. "Love, Lucy."

"Again?" The youngest Winchester asked, raising his eyebrows at the female.

"What can I say? It's a good book." Y/N shrugged, tucking her book mark between the pages and setting it on her desk before turning to face her boyfriend, her arms winding around his neck. "Besides, the main guy kind of reminds me of a certain hunter."

Sam smiled, tightening his hold on his girlfriend's waist. "Does he now?"

"Oh yeah. Definitely."

"And who exactly is this hunter?"

"Well, let's see," Y/N hummed, gently pushing him so he was sitting on their shared bed and she was standing in between his legs. "He's got this thick, brown hair," She hummed, tangling her fingers into his thick locks. "And his eyes? Oh, don't even get me started."

Sam beamed up at her, tipping his head to the side. "Mhm."

"Oh, and he's got this great smile." Y/N continued, draping her arms around his neck and smiling down at him. "It's so sweet. Oh, and his dimples? Holy crap, they're so cute."

Sam blushed, letting his hand fly subconsciously to his cheek. "They're not cute."

Y/N laughed, taking his hand and bringing it to her lips. "Oh, I must disagree. And I'm not finished yet, Samuel." She said, placing his hand on her cheek and leaning into his palm. "His hands are always so warm, and soft. Whenever he touches you, there's this secure, warm feeling that goes through you. You feel safe." She hummed, rubbing her fingers slowly up and down his forearm.

"Yeah?" Sam whispered, rubbing his thumb tenderly over her cheekbone.

"Yeah." The female murmured, planting a kiss to the inside of his wrist. "It's a really nice feeling."

Sam smiled, pulling his girlfriend into his lap and kissing her slowly. Y/N tangled her fingers into his mess of brown hair, pulling at it gently as her lips moved smoothly and tenderly against his.

"Did I mention his lips were pretty soft too?" The girl grinned against his lips, bumping their noses together softly. "He's a damn good kisser."

Sam smiled into her mouth, pecking her lips again before pulling away so he could look at her. "Is that so?"

"Oh, you have no idea." Y/N hummed, cupping his chin gently into her own palm.

The brunette hunter smiled, nuzzling his nose sweetly against hers. "I love you, Y/N."

The female grinned, pecking his lips gently. "I love you too, moose."

A/N- Short and sweet, but I hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys so much!! <3 ~Hayden

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