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*For BeautifulMax2001*

Sam and Dean x little sister!Reader_

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Sam and Dean x little sister!Reader

"Can I buy you a drink?" A tall man with a thick beard slurred to Max as she sat at the bar, making her tighten her grip on her beer and sigh.

"I'm fine, thank you." she said politely, taking another swig of her beer. She and her brothers had come out for a couple drinks to celebrate wrapping up a hunt. Dean was off somewhere most likely seducing lonely women, and Sam had walked back out to grab something from the car. So of course, it was only natural that guys would try to hit on her while she was alone.

"Oh, come on now, pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone." The man said with a drunken smile, tipping his head to the side. "Plus you look like the kind of girl where no means yes."

Max chewed her lip, trying to keep her anger in tact. She may have gotten her looks from her mother, but she had John's personality in spades. Including his temper. "Well, I hate to tell you, but you're mistaken." she said, looking up at the man with raised eyebrows. "I'm sorry, if you'll excuse me-"

"Where do you think you're going?" The man growled, suddenly angry as he gripped onto Max's arm tightly.

"Get the hell off me." Max growled back, shoving at the other's chest in order to get away from the large man.

"Look here, Missy-"


Max looked up when Dean was suddenly sauntering up to the man, slamming his fist straight into his face.

"Stay the hell away from my sister, you son of a bitch!" Dean snapped, standing protectively in front of his little sister.

Max backed up so she was hidden behind Dean, yelping when she ran into a large body.

"Hey, shh, it's me," Sam's soothing voice said from behind her, his hands landing on her shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"Other than playing damsel in distress? I'm peachy." Max grumbled, rubbing at her sore arm.

"Hey, stop. That guy is the size of a billboard." Sam said, holding his sister protectively against him.

"I can take down three vamps but I can't take down a single human, I'm a mess."

"You're buzzed and you're tired, it's okay, Maxie."

Max sighed, leaning into her big brother. He always knew just what to say to make everything alright.

The bartender seemed to be almost amused as he watched Dean pound on the pervert, and none of the other patrons in the bar seemed to be paying much heed. Maybe this guy really did deserve what was coming to him if everybody knew him here well enough to not give a damn about him.

"Dean," Sam said, gaining his brother's attention. "That's enough, you're good."

Dean took one look at his little sister and stepped forward, pulling her into his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, holding her close.

"I'm fine." Max sighed quietly into his shoulder, gripping the back of his leather jacket.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Hey, stop, it's not your fault. I'm the sorry one. I should have defended myself."

"Oh, baby girl, there wasn't anything you could have done at this point." Dean said, still clutching the younger girl close. "You sure you're okay?"

Max nodded, looking at Sam over Dean's shoulder and smiling gently. "I'm all good."


A/N- i love these kind of requests, they're so cute!

A/N- i love these kind of requests, they're so cute!

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I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! ❤️

-Requests are open-

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

Much love,нαу∂єи ☕️

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