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Dean x Reader

Dean raised his eyebrows when he heard a soft snore sound from beside him, turning his head to see his girlfriend resting her head on arms, fast asleep

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Dean raised his eyebrows when he heard a soft snore sound from beside him, turning his head to see his girlfriend resting her head on arms, fast asleep. He grinned. "Y/N. Hey, Y/N."

Y/N hummed, her eyes slowly cracking open before she sprang up when she realized where they were. "Crap."

Sam smirked. "Someone's sleepy."

"Well, maybe I would have gotten some sleep if someone didn't stay up on their laptop all night." Y/N said pointedly, looking at her friend.

"One word. Research."

"One word. Sleep."

"...okay, fair enough."

Dean rolled his eyes at both of them. "Okay, you two, chill out. Y/N, sweetheart, let me go get you some coffee, yeah?"

"Awe, my knight in shining flannel." Y/N smiled as Dean kissed her temple and made his way to the counter.

Sam grinned at his best friend. "So, you guys are getting cozy."

"I know, right? Next thing you know we'll be cuddling on a plaid picnic blanket under the stars, AKA every chick flick movie on the planet." Y/N teased.

"You want to be in a chick flick? Try the hood of the impala."

Y/N smiled. "See, this is why we're friends. I come up with freakish ideas, and not only do you go along with them, but you make them better."

Sam laughed softly. "Amen to that." He said, looking towards the counter when he heard a -quite annoying- giggle. His eyebrows raised.

"What?" Y/N questioned, turning her head to see Dean at the counter, talking to some leggy blonde in jean shorts. She wrinkled her nose. "It's a blonde. It's always a blonde."

Sam looked towards his best friend. "And you're still here, because...?"

"What are you talking about?" Y/N asked, her brow furrowing.

Sam snorted. "Your boyfriend is sitting at the counter, talking to a leggy blonde in shorts. I mean, come on, Y/N, could those shorts get any shorter?"

"They are pretty short, aren't they?" Y/N said, biting her lip slightly as she looked at her best friend.

"Go get him." Sam urged, nodding his head in his brother's direction.

Y/N huffed, shedding her jacket and rising to her feet before making her way towards the counter.

"Work it!" Sam called playfully, making her laugh and roll her eyes.

"Dean, sweetie?" Y/N said, draping her arms around his waist and resting her chin on his shoulder. "I'm slowly dying over there without my coffee." She said sweetly, pressing her nose against his cheek.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby. I was just talking to-"

"Yeah, that's great, now can we please get back to breakfast with your brother?" Y/N said, raising her eyebrows.

Dean only smirked at his girlfriend, handing her coffee to her and draping an arm around her shoulders. "You got it." He said, thanking the waitress behind the counter before they were making their way back to the table.

"Geez, those shorts were going up her freaking crotch, how short of shorts do you need?" Y/N muttered.

Dean only laughed softly, drawing his girlfriend into his arms and kissing her lips softly. "You're so cute when you're jealous."

"Mm, I hate you." Y/N hummed, resting her forehead on his.

Dean pecked her lips again. "I love you too."

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