| Wrong Bag |

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Dean x Reader

A/N- Guys, I am dying, please oh please I beg of you, send in requests!! I miss interacting with you all AH xD Anyway, I got this plot offline and thought it was cute, so I hope you enjoy!

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A/N- Guys, I am dying, please oh please I beg of you, send in requests!! I miss interacting with you all AH xD Anyway, I got this plot offline and thought it was cute, so I hope you enjoy!

"Oh man, I got freaking vamp blood all over my favorite shirt." Y/N groans, looking down at the red liquid now splattered all over her tee shirt.

"Why the hell would you where your favorite shirt on a hunt? You know it tends to be a messy job." Dean says, raising an eyebrow at his best friend.

"Well, excuse me for being under the impression that we were just looking for clues. I wasn't exactly prepared to be ambushed by a nest full of vamps." Y/N said as she leaned against the side of the impala.

"Join the club." Sam muttered, rolling his eyes as he and Dean put their weapons in the trunk.

"I sincerely hope for your wallet's sake that this stain comes out, because if it doesn't, you are buying me new clothes." Y/N warned, pointing a finger at the older Winchester.

Dean only chuckled, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Whatever you say, sweetheart."


"You want to run with me to get something to eat?" Sam asked Y/N as the trio walked back to the motel.

"Nah, that's okay. I'm going to get a shower and get into some sweats." Y/N answered as she grabbed her bag out the back seat.

"Ooh, sexy." Sam teased, laughing when she gave his shoulder a shove. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'll be back." He said as Dean tossed him the keys to the Impala.

"See you." She chuckled as she unlocked the door to her motel room and walked in, shutting it behind her and turning the lock. She tossed her bag over to the bed and went into the bathroom, shedding herself of her now filthy clothes and stepping into the shower.

After about 15 minutes, Y/N's hair and skin was cleared of all blood and she felt much better. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself into a fluffy, white towel before stepping out of the now steamy bathroom to change into her pajamas. She flopped down onto the bed and opened up her bag, her eyes narrowing and her brow furrowing in confusion when she saw a bunch of flannels and men's tee shirts.

"What the hell...?" She whispered to herself, her face then melting in realization.

She grabbed Dean's bag out of the backseat.

"Crap." She hissed at herself, pushing her wet hair out of her face. Normally, this wouldn't have been a big deal and she would just head right over to the boys' room to switch it out. But she was in a bath towel with no pajamas to put on and she really didn't want to change back into her disgusting clothes. And she'd be damned if she was going over there in nothing but a bath towel. There was only one thing to do.

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