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Gabriel x Reader

Gabriel x Reader

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For HBTanner

Y/N sucked in a gasping breath, coughing as dust and specks of dirt fell into her throat. Where the hell was she? Her eyes flew everywhere as she took in her surroundings. Everything was dark and the air couldn't have been stuffier. What was going on? How did she get here?

That's when it all came flying back to her.

Making the deal. The hell hounds. Hell.

She was in a coffin. In the ground.

Her brain immediately went buzzing with panic, her watery eyes going wide as she banged on the lid of her coffin.

"Help!" She cried, though her throat was so dry it was nothing more than a raspy whisper. "Somebody help!" She began prying and pulling at the lid of the coffin, holding her breath as it finally came off and dirt began pouring into the wooden box. She managed to take a deep breath before beginning to claw her way to the top.

Meanwhile, above ground, Gabriel sat on his knees at her grave, tears welled into his eyes. It had been about 5 months since his girlfriend was taken, and no matter what he tried, no matter what he did, he hadn't been able to get her back. And that hurt like hell (No pun intended).

With a heavy sigh, he kissed his fingers and pressed to her headstone, getting up to leave when he saw movement from the grass. His brow furrowed.

"What the hell?" He murmured to himself, kneeling down and pressing his palm to the soft grass, using his power to burn into the ground. His eyes went wide and he yelped slightly at the sight in front of him. It was Y/N.

Y/N squinted as the bright sun hit her eyes, holding up one of her pale hands to shield her eyes. When her eyes finally adjusted , they landed on the male in front of her, making her heart skip a beat. "Gabe?" She rasped.

"Y/N.." The angel whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oh my God, Y/N!" He exclaimed, pulling her up out of her grave and into a tight embrace.

Y/N let out a laugh, though due to her lack of voice and watery eyes it came out as a soft sob. "Oh my God.." She whispered, holding him tight.

"You're back...I can't believe you're back..." Gabriel whispered, laughing through his own tears.

"I can't either," Y/N whispered, pulling back to look him in the eye.

Gabe smiled, cupping her cheek and pulling her in for a kiss. This kiss wasn't like the others though; this one was soft, slow, and gentle. It was quite similar to the one he gave her right before the hell hounds look her. Like he'd never see her again.

But now that he had her back, there was no way in hell he was letting her go again.

A/N- I'm sorry this was so short, but I enjoyed writing it! I hope you enjoyed!! I love yooou!! <3 ~Hayden

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