| A Lot of Things |

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Dean x Reader_

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Dean x Reader

There were a lot of things that Dean Winchester was willing to do.

He was willing to get up before the sun was up so he could make his girlfriend breakfast when she had a stressful day the previous day. He was willing to wait to take his shower so his little brother could take one first after a rather messy hunt. He was willing to explain to Bobby how WiFi worked and why he had to pay for it when he used it in public places. There were a lot of things Dean Winchester was willing to do. But showing weakness was not one of them.

Ever since he was a kid, he had been taught to put his feelings aside. To focus on the task at hand without letting his emotions cloud his judgement or let them get in the way of things. And ever since he was a kid that's exactly what he did. Something had to be catastrophically bad for him to break.

When Sam died, he broke. He'd never forget that night; carrying his baby brother's lifeless body back to Bobby's house and letting Y/N help him clean the younger Winchester. It didn't matter at that point, but it made Dean feel better, so Y/N complied, and Dean had been so grateful.

It was only when Bobby had left the two alone in the room with Sam that Dean had let himself break, allowing Y/N to hold him while be sobbed, his hands gripping the back of sweater while she rocked the both of them back and forth in an attempt to soothe him. She had been there. She was always there.

She was there even after he sold his soul to get his brother back. That was when she broke. She had punched him, screamed at him, shoved him while he attempted to pull her into his arms so he could calm her down. She knew why he did it. She knew. But what she didn't know was what the hell she was going to do when he was gone.

It was almost like Father Time was screwing them over. Whenever they wanted something fast, time went slow. When they wanted to prevent something, time went fast. In this case, all Y/N wanted to do was keep the love of her life with her for as long as she could. But time didn't seem to care.

Four months she had to live without him. Forty years he had to live without her. Their memories of each other were the only things that kept them sane.

The day Dean returned was one neither of them would ever forget. Y/N had just gotten back to Bobby's from a grocery run.

"I'm home!" she called, setting the bags down on the kitchen counter. "Hey, did we need milk? Because I think I might have-" The woman turned around and froze when her eyes met the familiar emerald she had been craving to see for so long. "Dean?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

Dean stared at his girlfriend, a slow smile coming onto his face as his eyes filled with tears. "Hi, sweetheart."

Y/N forced herself to inhale as she looked past Dean to Bobby, who was standing a few feet away behind Dean. The older man nodded, a gentle smile on his face, letting her know that this was Dean and not some nightmarish imposter trying to get her hopes up.

The woman exhaled shakily, and with that she was throwing herself at Dean, her arms winding around his neck as she buried her head into his shoulder.

Dean's arms circled around her waist and he held her tightly, pressing his own face into her neck and clinging on desperately. This was the first time someone had touched him with genuine affection for the first time since he was sent to the pit, and God help him, he needed it.

"Oh my God," Y/N choked through what sounded like half sob, half laugh. "I-I don't - I mean - how?"

"I have no idea." Dean whispered against her neck, his fingers gently gripping at his girlfriend's shirt. "I-I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too. So, so much." Y/N whispered, smoothing her hands gently over her boyfriend's hair and brushing her fingers through it softly.

Only when Bobby left the room to give the couple some privacy did Dean finally take off his mask, allowing himself to release his relieved sobs against his girlfriend. The thought of somehow going back home to her had been the only thing that kept him from going completely insane during his time in the pit, and now here she was, holding him and whispering sweet nothings to him while he cried. He couldn't have been more relieved.

"Shh," Y/N soothed gently, tears of her own slipping down her face and onto his shirt as she cupped the back of his neck lovingly, pressing a gentle kisses to his shoulder as she held him. "I'm here. You're okay. You're okay now."

"You," Dean rasped, his voice still thick with tears. "Y-You were the only thing that kept me from going to pieces. You - I-I need you." he choked.

"Oh, baby," Y/N whispered, pulling away just barely so she could cup his face and brush his tears away tenderly with the pads of her thumbs. "I'm right here. For as long as you'll have me, I'll be right here. I love you." she whispered, kissing him sweetly, the salt of both their tears mixing with the taste of his lips.

"I love you too." Dean whispered against her lips, kissing her slowly, savoring her and letting her familiarity blanket him in comfort. "I love you so much."

The two just stood there in each other's embrace for what felt like hours, sharing kisses and tears for as long as they needed.

There were a lot of things Dean Winchester was willing to do. But leaving his precious Y/N again was not one of them.


A/N- so I have a whole list of requests that I need to be working on, but I needed this a lot because I have so many Dean feels oml

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! ❤️

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

Much love,нαу∂єи ☕️

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