| Bored and Cuddly |

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*For BeautifulMax2001*

Dean x Reader

Writing Prompts:

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Writing Prompts:

4 - "C'mere, you can sit in my lap until I'm done working."

5 - "I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."

Max sighed softly as she walked aimlessly around the bunker, shoving her hands into her pockets as she finally made her way into the library. There hadn't been a case for them to work on in God knows how long and she was going crazy looking for something to do.

Her eyes fell onto the reading form of her boyfriend when she walked in, his eyes trained on the screen of his laptop. She walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and resting her chin on his shoulder.

Dean hummed, reaching a hand up to rub her arm gently. "Hey, sweetheart." He murmured, pressing a kiss to her knuckle.

"What're you up to?" Max asked, letting her eyes skim across the screen.

"Eh, just looking for a case. I swear, this is the slowest month we've had a long time." Dean sighed softly, giving her arm a squeeze before going back to his typing.

"You're telling me," Max huffed, playing gently with the amulet around her boyfriend's neck. "You want to take a break? Maybe go get something to eat?"

"In a few minutes," The eldest Winchester said, not looking up from his computer screen.

"Dean, you've been working all morning. Come on, let's just take a little break."

"I can't right now, Max. Give me a few more minutes." Dean said, and the girl groaned, letting her head fall onto his shoulder.

She didn't let his words stop her though. She gently jabbed her finger against his neck, repeating the motion over and over again.

Dean chuckled softly, the light gesture tickling. "Stop."

"Why?" Max smirked, poking him again.

"Because I said so."

"Who are you, my father?"


"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention."

Dean rolled his green eyes, finally looking up from his computer screen and up at his girlfriend. "You're a child."

"You're a hypocrite."

"Fine," Dean groaned playfully, scooting his chair back a bit and patting his thighs. "C'mere, you can sit in my lap until I'm done working."

Max smiled brightly, happily taking a seat in his lap and draping her arms around his neck. Dean kissed her collar bone softly and wrapped an arm around her waist, rubbing her hip gently as his eyes went back to his computer screen.

By the time Sam got back to the bunker, Dean had finally abandoned his research and was kissing Max, who was still propped in his lap and was definitely taking pleasure in it.

"Get a room, you two." Sam grumbled, rolling his eyes as he made his way into the kitchen.

Dean glared at his little brother and Max laughed, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"I'm not against that." She grinned into his ear, pressing a kiss to the tip of it, making him smile.

"Me neither, sweetheart."

A/N- Sorry this took a while! Hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys! <3 ~Hayden

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