| Dating Dean |

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Dating Dean Winchester would include:

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Dating Dean Winchester would include:

-Car ride sing alongs

-Sitting in the front seat of the impala

-Stealing his jackets

-Stealing bites of his pie

-"Well, don't hog the whole damn thing."

-"Shut up, you love me."

-Having to guess if he means you or the impala whenever he says baby

-So. Many. Pet names.

-Him always checking in on you

-Forehead kisses

-Nose kisses


-Sam always teasing you guys whenever he walks in on you kissing

-"Awe, look how cute."

-"Can you say knock?"

-Making him watch chick flicks with you

-Him saying he hates them even though he really loves them

-Teasing him whenever you see the tears in his eyes by the end of the movie

-"Awe, baby, do you need a tissue?"

-"Shut up."

-Him acting all tough around other people but when he's around you he is a complete teddy bear

-Bear hugs

-Waist hugs from behind

-Constantly saying "I love you"

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