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Sam x ReaderAU!Sam x Reader (platonic)Based on 15x13: Destiny's Child_

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Sam x Reader
AU!Sam x Reader (platonic)
Based on 15x13: Destiny's Child

You couldn't help the way your eyes continued to flit back and forth between the alternate versions of the Winchesters you knew and loved sitting in front of you. It was weird. They had the same faces and the same structures but they were so very different. While your Sam and Dean had gone with Cas and Jack to a church only hours after Cas had returned from the Empty, you sat in the bunker's library with the alternate versions of your boys in hopes of fooling Chuck if he decided to look in on you. But now, sitting next to what looked like Sam and Dean and what sounded like Sam and Dean, it was just so not Sam and Dean. Your eyes landed on Sam for a moment, a tiny amused grin gracing your lips at the look of disgust on his face as he finished off his beer. Your Sam didn't dislike beer but you knew he was more of a whiskey person anyway so this was pretty amusing to you. You paused. Your Sam. Except he wasn't your Sam. Not really. You had wanted him to be for the longest time but you were terrified. It had been years since you had been in a real relationship with anybody. After all, you were hunters. This life didn't have a lot of room for love in it. Not when you didn't know if the person you loved was gonna come back home after they walked out the door or not. You just couldn't bring yourself to risk it. Oh, how horrible it was to love something that death could touch.

Dean noticed the way you were looking between the two of them and he frowned, raising his eyebrows. "Something wrong...?"

"Hm?" You hummed, raising your own eyebrows. "Oh, no. Sorry. Just - lost in thought." you shook your head, getting to your feet. "I'm gonna make some coffee, do you guys want anything?"

"I'm fine," Dean said, smiling sweetly up at you. "Thank you though."

You couldn't help the way your heart swelled at the sight of his smile. It had been so long since you'd seen your Dean give a genuine smile. Happy was such a good look on him. You hated that he didn't get to wear it more often.

"You're welcome," You said, patting his shoulder gently before looking over at Sam. "Do you want anything?"

"I'll walk with you," Sam said, getting to his feet and holding up his now empty beer bottle. "Get myself another...beer." he said with visible distaste.

You smirked. "Alright." you shrugged, leading the way towards the kitchen. You headed for the coffee maker and poured some grounds in before Sam spoke again.

"So...is this...odd for you?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and chewing his bottom lip. "Or is it just me?"

You looked over at him and quirked a small smile, shrugging. "It is a little. You guys are very different from my boys."

"Oh, I know," Sam said, chuckling gently. "You're very different from my Y/N, too." he said, leaning back against the counter. A somber expression than crossed his features. "I wonder where she is now.."

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