| Carousels and Clowns |

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Young!Sam and Dean x Big Sister!ReaderSam - 6 Dean - 10Reader 14

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Young!Sam and Dean x Big Sister!Reader
Sam - 6
Dean - 10
Reader 14


    Today was a rare off day for the Winchester siblings. It didn't happen often, but this particular hunt was one of those hunts where John insisted that he didn't need your help and so he told you to stay behind at the motel and watch over your little brothers. That was a job you would gladly accept over being dragged with him on some monster hunt while Sam and Dean got dumped at Uncle Bobby's. But you decided you wanted to be a bit rebellious today. Instead of staying at the motel like your father had instructed you to do, you decided to take your brothers to the mall. You weren't usually one for shopping malls but you thought it might be a fun outing for the boys since it was something they didn't normally get to do.

    You couldn't help but pride yourself on your choice as you watched your youngest brother's face light up like a Christmas tree the second the three of you walked through the automated glass doors.

    "Wow," Sam breathed, tugging at your hand that held his smaller one. "Sissy, this place is big!"

    You smiled. "Yeah, I know. There's a lot of fun stuff to do here, too." you said, looking over at Dean, who was looking around the mall with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Where do you guys wanna go first?"

    "Arcade?" Dean asked hopefully, looking up at you with a smile.

    "Sure," You responded, ruffling his hair gently as the three of you made your way through the mall.

    "Ooh, they have rides?!" Sam bounced happily on his toes as the three of you passed the carousel near the food court. "Sissy, can we ride? Please?"

    "Sure. I'll tell you what," You said, pulling your money clip from your coat pocket. "You guys go ride the carousel and I'll go get some tokens for us for the arcade." you said, handing Dean a couple of dollars for the two of them to ride the carousel.

    "Cool," Dean said, taking the cash before scooping Sam's hand up in his own.

    "I'll be back in like five minutes. Have fun and do not leave the carousel until I get back, understand?" You raised your eyebrows.

    "We promise!" Sam chirped, pulling on his big brother's hand. "C'mon, De, let's go!"

    "I'm coming!" Dean rolled his eyes fondly, letting his little brother pull him towards the ride.

    You smiled, hurrying over towards one of the token machines outside of the arcade so you could get a couple of dollars worth that would last you a couple of hours before lunch. You looked up when you heard a commotion from behind you, your brow furrowing when you were met with the sight of a pair of circus clowns a few feet away handing out balloons and making balloon animals for a group of kids that had gathered in front of them. You snickered slightly at their painted faces and big, bloated red lips. You had never been a clown person but you had to admit, their faces were pretty amusing to look at sometimes. You quickly finished gathering the tokens for you and the boys and slid them into your pockets before heading back to the carousel. You had to do a double take when you arrived back and found your brothers sitting on one of the benches next to the large ride, Dean holding a visibly upset Sam in his lap and trying desperately to console him as passerby looked onto the two boys worriedly.

    You quickly headed over to your brothers before anyone could stop to talk to them, kneeling in front of them worriedly. "Woah, woah, hey, what happened?"

    "I don't know," Dean said, looking up at you worriedly as he held his little brother tight. "He started freaking out before we could get on the ride."

    You frowned, placing a hand on your youngest brother's back. "Sammy?"

    Sam hiccuped as he pulled away from Dean to look at you, another soft sob bubbling from his lips as he reached out for you.

    You quickly took your baby brother into your arms, standing so you could comfortably hold him close. "Hey, bubba, what's wrong? What happened?"

    "I don't like it, Y/N," the little boy whimpered, clutching at your shirt.

    "You don't like what, sweet boy?" You asked softly, swaying your brother gently.

    Sam sniffled quietly as he pointed over your shoulder.

    You turned around, your brow furrowing when your eyes landed on the clowns still dancing around the group of kids from before, handing out balloons and grinning goofily when they squealed with laughter.

    "The clowns?" You asked quietly, smoothing your brother's hair away from his eyes. "Hey, sweet boy, it's okay. They can't hurt you."

    Sam let another sob loose and buried his face in your shoulder. "They're scary," he whimpered, clutching your shirt tightly in his little fists. "There's something wrong with their faces."

    You frowned, sharing a worried look with Dean who only shrugged his shoulders. Sam had never expressed this fear before but seeing him in so much distress was breaking your heart. "It's okay, baby. It's just makeup, that's all. You're safe. Do you wanna still ride the carousel? I'll ride it with you if you want."

    Sam sniffled, resting his head on your shoulder and looking up at you. "Really?"

    "Of course," You smiled, rubbing his back gently. "We can go get some ice cream after lunch too if you want." you said, gently tickling his ribs and grinning when he giggled wildly in response.

    "Okey dokey," he said with a nod.

    "C'mon." You said, bouncing him slightly in your arms. "Let's go pick which animal we're gonna ride, yeah?"

    "I call the white horse with the blue saddle!" Dean cheered, practically throwing his dollar at the control operator before racing onto the carousel.

    You rolled your eyes fondly, shifting Sam onto your hip. "I think De is more excited about this than you are," you joked, smiling when your little brother giggled in response. You handed the dollar to the control operator before following Dean onto the ride. Sam picked out a cute grey horse with a red saddle that you sat behind him on, smiling at the look of pure joy that the little boy wore each time they went round and round. You caught the eye of the control operator as you exited the ride, an older woman with a grandmotherly face, and she smiled at you, offering you a nod of approval. You smiled back and nodded in return before leading your brothers hand and hand towards the arcade. You also made sure to keep Sam's eyes away from anyone that even remotely resembled a clown.

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