| The Good Witch of The Winchesters |

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*For SimplySavi*

Dean x ReaderBased off the movie Twitches Two_

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Dean x Reader
Based off the movie Twitches Two

"Morning." Gemma greeted Sam as she walked into the kitchen, pulling her hair into a messy bun.

"Hey, sunshine. Coffee?" Sam asked, setting a mug down on the table for her.

"Hit me up." The woman said as he grabbed the coffee pot.

"Sleep well?" The younger Winchester asked as he poured her a mug.

"Like a baby. Dean is still snoozing." Gemma said as she brought the mug to her lips and took a long sip.

"Wow, shocker." Sam rolled his eyes.

Gemma laughed gently. "Thanks for letting me stay here with you guys by the way."

"Of course! You're family, Gem. We'd do anything for you." Sam smiled over at his long time friend.

Gemma smiled. "Thank you. I really appreciate it." She had known the Winchester boys since they were in elementary school and had met up with them again on a vampire hunt not too long ago. It was then that old feelings had rose to the surface and her and Dean immediately hit it off and became an item. She couldn't be happier. The only thing that bothered her about the entire situation was one tiny detail; she was a witch. Not of the Wicked Witch of The West variety, more of the Linda of Oz variety. But the boys had no idea, and had no clue how to tell them. She hated lying to them, especially since they were so close and she was in a relationship with one of them.

She gasped softly when she felt a surge of power shake her body, her hand flying to the eclipse shaped amulet hanging around her neck that was the source of her magic.

Something's here, and it's after Dean.

"Dean..." she whispered.

Sam's brow furrowed. "Dean? What about Dean?"

"Something's not right." she said, rising from the table and racing to her and Dean's shared bedroom. She flung the door open and gasped when she saw a dark shadow looming over the older Winchester. "Dean!" she exclaimed, shooting her hands out as a flash of power sent her boyfriend's bed flying into the wall.

"Wha- woah!" The oldest Winchester exclaimed, his voice muffled by the bed being shot against the wall. The shadow disappeared, but Gemma knew it was still looming.

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