| Morning Texts |

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Jack x Reader_

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Jack x Reader

[text: nougat boi]
Good morning!

good morning, angel.
how are you?

[text: nougat boi]
I'm fine. The bunker is
quiet without you and

yeah, i bet. one less
brother to contend with.

did you sleep well?

[text: nougat boi]
Yes, I did! I sleep better
when you're here, though.

you're so sweet 😭
i sleep better when
you're here, too. it's
weird waking up by
myself. at least you don't
snore like Dean does...🙄

[text: nougat boi]
I'm not sure anyone
snores the way Dean

haha! i'm telling him
you said that 😂

[text: nougat boi]
No! He'll get mad at me!

serves you right for
eating my leftover cake
before i left.

[text: nougat boi]
I'm sorry. May I make it
up to you when you get home?

well, since you asked
so nicely, i suppose i
can live with that

[text: nougat boi]

i have to go pick up breakfast,
angel, but can i call you when i
get back?

[text: nougat boi]
Please do! I love you.

i love you too!


this was vv short and sweet but i miss my sweet angel boi so here's this lil blurb for you 🤷🏼‍♀️ i hope you enjoyed! thanks for reading!

Much love,
нαу∂єи ☕️

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