| Promises |

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Sam x Reader

Sam's heart drops into his stomach when he hears the gunshot go off

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Sam's heart drops into his stomach when he hears the gunshot go off. He turns around quickly, but to him it all feels like slow motion. He watches as the bullet pierces his girlfriend's torso, her body seeming to cave into itself as her knees begin to give out from underneath her.

"Y/N!" He yells, dashing forward to catch her as Dean chases after the asshole who put a bullet in his little brother's girl.

The girl wheezes as she's cradled in in his arms, her head resting against his broad chest. "You know, it's funny. T-That didn't hurt nearly as much as I imagined it would.." She chuckles weakly, and she can feel the blood curling at her mouth.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Sam whispers, stroking a hand over her hair. "You're going to be okay, alright?"

"Sam..." Y/N wheezes, her eyes coming to a close.

"No, no, please," He whispers, pressing his lips to the top of her head. "Please stay with me. Please."

"Sam, it's okay." She whispers, her fingers coming up to gently grasp at his shirt collar. "I can't feel it. I-It's all...numb."

"Y/N, please..." Sam whimpers into her hair, the tears trailing down his face. "Please don't leave me here..."

"Hey," Y/N whispers, bringing her hand up to cup his jaw gently. "You're going to be fine, yeah? My big strong moose." She laughs softly, blood gathering onto her bottom lip.

Sam smiles sadly, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "Your moose. Always your moose."

Y/N smiles weakly, her eyes fluttering to a slow close. "Sam? Promise me something?"

"Anything. Anything at all." Sam whispers.

"Please just let this be. Don't sell your soul, or make a deal, or anything. Please, just...let me go." She whispers. "Please promise me you'll let me go."

All Sam can do is nod, a soft whine like sound escaping his lips. "I promise."

Y/N smiles, nodding against his chest. "Good, that's good." She whispers. "I love you, Sammy."

Sam let's out a soft sob, bringing his girlfriend closer to his chest. "I love you too, Y/N. I love you so much."

Y/N laughs softly into his shirt, her tight grip on the fabric slowly loosening as her breathing comes to a slow halt.

"Y/N? Y/N," Sam whimpers again, beginning to gently rock her body back and forth in his arms. "Please don't do this...please come back to me..." He cries into her hair, gasping in shaking breaths. But he knows it's no use.

His Y/N is gone. And she's not coming back.

A/N- This was short af and I'm sorry but I kind of need some ideas. Please send requests!! I love you!!! ~Hayden

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