| Books and Coffee |

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teen!Sam x Reader

Inspired by "The Gilmore Girls"

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Inspired by "The Gilmore Girls"

"Oh my God, cute new kid, 10 o'clock." Y/N's best friend Lydia said, nodding over to the new boy sitting at the table just across the isle from them.

Y/N turned her head to look at where she had gestured to and instantly lost her breath. He was very cute. His eyes were a nice shade of hazel and his hair was dark and messy, falling into his eyes in all the right ways. He was sitting alone, reading a book. Very similar to what she did at lunch before she met Lydia.

"Wow." Y/N whispered, a bit breathless. "He looks kind of lonely.."

Lydia raised her eyebrows. "Is that your way of telling me you're ditching me to go sit with the new bookworm?"

"Would you be mad if I said yes...?" Y/N asked, chewing on her lip. Lydia only laughed.

"Oh please. Go for it," She said, making Y/N grin widely. She leaped up and circled around the table to her best friend before wrapping her in a tight hug.

"I love you," Y/N said, making Lydia giggle.

"I love you too. Now go!" She encouraged. Y/N nodded and took a deep breath, grabbing the brown paper bag that held her lunch before walking over to the table where he sat. She cleared her throat, making the boy look up at her.

"Is uh, is this seat taken?" Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" The boy asked, thinking she couldn't possibly be talking to him. No one really ever talked to him.

"This seat. Is it taken?" She asked, raising her eyebrows once more.

"No! I mean, no." He added quickly, trying to keep it cool. "Please, sit." He smiled.

Y/N smiled, setting her stuff down before taking the seat across from him. "Sorry I interrupted your..." She looked down at the book.

"Oh, uh, The Diary of Anne Frank. I know it's kind of weird," The boy chuckled.

"Are you joking? That's my favorite book," Y/N said, her eyes lighting up with joy. None of her friends really understood what she saw in the old book, but she was obsessed with it. It really interested her, spoke to her.

"You're kidding," The boy grinned. "My brother thinks it's stupid."

"So does my sister," Y/N said, making the both of them laugh at the coincidence. "I-I'm Y/N. Y/N [Last Name]."

"Sam Winchester."


"I don't care what you say, plain, black coffee is disgusting." Y/N said, wrinkling her nose in disgust as her and Sam walked through the double doors of the school.

"Okay, smarty pants, how do you take your coffee?" Sam questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"Two spoons of sugar and 8 ounces of creamer." Y/N said matter-o-factly as she sat on the ledge by the cement stairs, and Sam gagged.

"That's like drinking syrup." He said, shaking his head as his nose crinkled.

"Well, my formula for coffee is 40 percent coffee and 60 percent cream and sugar." Y/N shrugged as Sam leaned against the wall next to her, the two of them watching as the crowd flowed out the doors.

"Ah. Well, technique is everything, so." Sam grinned, making Y/N smile.

"You know, speaking of coffee, I know this great little diner just down the street from here. Do you maybe want to go get some food? We can argue about the way we take out burgers while we eat some?" Y/N joked, making Sam laugh.

"Actually, I-" But before Sam could finish, there came his father, John Winchester, pulling up to the curb in his black Impala.

"Hey, Sammy, you ready?" The older man asked before his eyes fell on the girl his son was standing next to. Sam noticed this and spoke up.

"Actually, I was just about to go grab something to eat with Y/N," He said, to which Y/N smiled and waved politely at the man in the Impala.

"If it's okay with you of course, sir." She added, tipping her head to the side. She didn't want to get Sam in trouble.

John only smiled at the teenagers. He may have been a hunter, but he wasn't heartless. His youngest deserved to have a little bit of fun. "Of course. You two have fun. Be home by 10:00 Sammy, okay?"

Sam was surprised that his father had agreed. Normally when he wanted to do things like this the answer was no. But maybe he was thinking the same thing he was. Y/N was different.

"Thanks, Dad." He said, and John flashed the two teens one more smile before driving off.

"Your dad seems like a sweet guy. Must be where you get it from." Y/N grinned, hopping off the ledge and looking up at Sam. "Ready?"

Sam smiled, reaching over to thread his fingers through Y/N's. "Ready."

A/N- I hope you enjoyed!! I just recently got into the Gilmore Girls and young Jared Padalecki is giving me all the feels, haha xD Requests are open. Please leave them in my inbox, because if you comment, I probably won't see them. Thanks! I love you guys so much! ~Hayden <3

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