| Panic Attacks |

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*For unfascinating_female*

*For unfascinating_female*

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Sam x Reader

Writing Prompts:

45 - "You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good."

53 - "Were you ever going to tell me?"

It was no secret that Y/N had anxiety. The Winchesters both knew she got nerve wracked every once in a while, but she never let it get the better of her.

As far as they knew anyway.

What the brothers saw of her anxiety was just the tip of the iceberg. There was much more to her anxiety than they realized, including multiple panic attacks. She never said anything to either of them of course, not wanting to worry them with her silly little problems.

But as we all know, what goes up must come down.

It was three in the morning. Sam had woken up to go to the bathroom and had made his way out into the hallway when he heard what sounded like wheezing coming from Y/N's bedroom. His brow furrowed in confusion and he knocked softly on the door, pressing his ear against the wood.

"Y/N? It's Sam. Are you okay?" He asked, only to be answered by a choked sob. His protective side then took control as he swung the door open, his heart dropping to his stomach when he saw his best friend on the floor, clutching at her chest as she attempted to catch her breath.

"Oh God, Y/N!" Sam exclaimed, dropping to his knees beside her and taking her face into his hands. "Y/N, baby, hey, look at me."

Y/N's wide, teary eyes looked up into his concerned ones and she choked out another sob, her fists gripping tightly onto his tee shirt. "S-Sammy," she wheezed out, her breath coming in high pitched squeaks.

"Shh, baby, I'm here," Sam whispered, rubbing her cheekbones with the pads of his thumbs as he brushed her hair away from her face. "You have to breathe, Y/N. Just breathe for me."

Y/N wheezed out another bout of sobs, pressing her forehead into his shoulder. "I-I can't - h-hurts.." she whimpered. "I-It hurts.."

"Shh, baby," Sam cooed, pulling her chin up so she was looking at him again. "It'll feel better if you breathe. Here," he gently took her small, dainty hand into his large one and placed it on his chest, never letting his eyes leave hers. "Focus on my breathing, yeah? Listen."

He took a deep breath, letting her feel the way his chest rose and fell with the inhale and exhale of it. "Match my breathing, Y/N. Breathe with me."

Y/N gripped tightly to his shirt, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to copy his deep breathing.

Sam smiled softly. "There you go. Keep going, just like that. You're doing good."

Y/N finally managed to even out her breathing, exhaling shakily and allowing herself to fall into his waiting arms.

Sam let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, clutching her tightly against him and rocking her slowly. "I've got you. I'm here."

Y/N sighed softly into his chest, closing her eyes sleepily. "I'm sorry." She whispered, letting her ear rest over his heartbeat.

Sam brushed a hand through her hair, playing gently with the ends of it. "How long?"

"What?" The girl whispered, her brow furrowing.

"How long has this been going on?" Sam questioned, his tone quiet but firm and concerned.

Y/N sighed softly. "Sam..."

"How long, Y/N?"

"...a few months."

Sam sighed softly. "Dammit, Y/N."

"Well, gee Sammy, I'm sorry. This isn't exactly something I can help." Y/N huffed, but refused to move out from his warm embrace.

"No, no, I know that, Y/N. But I just..." Sam sighed. "Were you ever going to tell me?"

Y/N sighed. "I didn't want you guys to worry about me. You both have enough on your plates without having to worry about my shit."

"Oh, baby." Sam sighed, squeezing her tighter against him. "Y/N, we will always be here for you. No matter what, okay? That's never a question." He whispered, pressing his lips to the top of her head.

"I know you worry about us, but we worry about you too. You can't keep it all inside, you know? Bottling it up won't do any good."

Y/N sighed. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. But next time you feel panicked or scared, please come talk to me, okay? Please?" Sam asked, looking down at her and brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.

The female nodded, tucking her head safely against his shoulder. "I promise." She murmured, pressing a kiss to the crook of his neck as she wound her arms around his shoulders. "I love you, Sammy."

"I love you more, Y/N."

A/N- this prompt was so cute, I loved it!! I hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️ ~Hayden

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