| A Winchester Christmas |

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*For Molbash_Cannonball*

*For Molbash_Cannonball*

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Dean x Reader

Y/N hummed when she felt the familiar warmth of her boyfriend's hand gently shaking her awake, pulling the comforter further over herself and curling further into the mattress.

"Rise and shine, beautiful..." Dean hummed, pressing soft kisses across his girlfriend's skin.

"What time is it?" Y/N asked, rubbing at her eyes.


The girl's head snapped up and her eyebrows raised, making Dean's brow furrow.


"Since when do you get up before 9:00? And on a Saturday?"

"Uh, since we need to go shopping for a Christmas tree. Duh, what else?" He asked, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Dean, honey, it's December 5th."

"Uh huh."

"We have plenty of time to get a Christmas tree, Dean." Y/N said sleepily, though she couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend's enthusiasm.

"But if we don't go early, all the good ones will be gone!" Dean said, moving so he was hovering over her.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle, reaching up to wind her arms around his neck and tangle her fingers into his dirty blonde hair. "I wouldn't have taken you for the festive type."

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises," He grinned, pecking her lips softly. "Plus, this is going to be our first Christmas together. You, me, Sammy, and Cas."

"Awe, Dean, you softie."

"Are you going to come with me to get one or what?"

Y/N laughed softly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Give me like half an hour to get ready and I'll meet you downstairs."


"Dean, c'mere!" Y/N called through the little wooded area of the Christmas tree sale, smiling up at a large Christmas tree.

"I'm comin', I'm comin'." Dean said, brushing past trees and people as he made his way over to his girlfriend. His eyes grew bright when he saw the Christmas tree in front of him. "Wow."

"Right?! This is it! This is the one!" Y/N said excitedly, bouncing on her toes slightly.

"Are you sure? I mean, isn't it a little-"

"Dean, we are buying this tree."

"Okay, okay! Geez, bossy much?" Dean said, though a bright smile was still on his face as he went to get someone to help him carry the tree to the car.

The couple managed to get the tree back to the bunker where Sam was waiting outside for them. His hazel eyes widened slightly when he saw the tree, his lips parting.

"I see you went with something simple." He teased, and Y/N smacked his arm gently.

"Hush. Don't mock our perfect tree." She scolded, holding the door open so the boys could carry it inside. They got it downstairs and into the small living area, where Cas was sitting on the floor, examining the Christmas ornaments.

"Hey, Cas." Y/N greeted, ruffling his hair slightly. Y/N was like Cas' older sister in a way, making sure he was okay and trying to keep him out of trouble.

Cas looked up at the female and smiled. "Hello, Y/N." He said, his eyes then falling on the large Christmas tree. "That is quite a big tree."

"That's why it's so pretty." Y/N said with a grin, taking a seat on the floor beside her angel companion.

"You do realize it's going to take ages to pick up all the pine needles from the floor, right?" Sam asked, arching an eyebrow.

Y/N gasped playfully. "Samuel, are you implying that we should have bought a fake tree?" She sighed, shaking her head. "I'm so disappointed."

"Oh, shut up." Sam said, smiling as he rolled his eyes.

"We've never actually had a real Christmas tree." Dean said as he slipped off his coat. "Not even a fake tree. It's always been crappy substitutes."

"Woah, are you saying you've never had a Christmas tree?" Y/N asked, her eyebrows raising.

"I guess so."

Y/N's heart ached slightly for the Winchester boys. They deserved so much better than the life they had been given. But she knew better than to say that. So instead she smiled and said,

"Well, now you do."


"Hand me another, please." Dean said to his girlfriend as they put ornaments on the tree. Sam had disappeared into the kitchen a while ago to make hot chocolate and Cas had followed him, insisting he help in some way.

"Here you go," Y/N said, placing another ornament into his hand.

"You know, this would be going a lot faster if you would help me." Dean said, arching an eyebrow at his girlfriend, who was sitting on the carpet in her flannel pants, and Dean's tee shirt.

"Nah. I'm liking the view from here," She said, casting her eyes to his backside.

Dean snorted. "Pervert."

"Says the guy who practically drools when I walk out of the shower every morning."


Y/N chuckled softly, leaning back on her hands as Sam and Cas came out of the kitchen.

"Alright, hot cocoa, coming through." Sam announced while carrying a tray steaming mugs in his hands.

"Gimme!" Y/N said, reaching for the red polka dotted mug. "Thanks, Sammy."

"The tree seems to be coming along." Cas noted as he took a seat beside Y/N, crossing his legs underneath himself.

"Actually, I think we're all done. Y/N, you want to do the honors?" Dean smiled, holding the tree topper, which was a silver bow.

"I'd love to," Y/N smiled, setting her hot cocoa on the table and taking the bow from Dean. She looked up at the top of the tree, which seemed to tower over her. "Uh...a boost would be helpful."

Dean chuckled, placing his hands on his girlfriend's waist and lifting her up onto his shoulder with ease.

Y/N kept one hand gripping the back of his shirt so she didn't fall, reaching the other up so she could place it on top of the tree. Sam then pressed the plug into the outlet and the tree lit up with colorful lights.

"It's so pretty!" Y/N said happily as Dean lowered her back the floor, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"It certainly is," Cas said with a smile as Sam tried not to laugh at the milk mustache on his upper lip.

Dean turned his girlfriend gently in his arms so she was facing him, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and resting his forehead on hers. "I love you..." He murmured, closing his eyes.

"I love you too, Winchester." Y/N hummed, kissing his lips softly. "I have a feeling this is going to be a great Christmas."

A/N- Before anybody says anything, yes, I know it's March and yes, I know this is a Christmas imagine, but this request was so cute I had to do it xD I hope you enjoyed!! Love you guys!! <3 ~Hayden

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