| Cuddles |

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Sam x Reader

Y/N hummed softly in content as she took a big sip of her steaming hot tea, reclining against the pillows on her bed as she watched reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond

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Y/N hummed softly in content as she took a big sip of her steaming hot tea, reclining against the pillows on her bed as she watched reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond. The boys had gone hunting early that morning and as much as she loved hunting, she just needed a day to herself to just relax. Plus she thought it would be nice if Sam and Dean had a little brotherly time too.

She barely looked up from her cup of tea when the motel door room opened, both brothers entering.

"That was quick," She commented, raising her eyebrows.

"Thank God," Dean groaned, flopping onto his bed. "I'm exhausted."

"At least you got sleep last night." Y/N murmured as Sam flopped down beside her on the bed, placing his head on her stomach.

"You didn't sleep?" He asked, his brow furrowing concern.

"No, I did. Just not well." Y/N chuckled, setting her tea down on the nightstand as she gently ran her fingers through her boyfriend's locks.

"Well, I think we could all use some energy." Dean said as he rose from his bed. "I'm going to go pick up some food, what do you guys want?"

Y/N hummed in thought. "How does Chinese sound?"

"Sounds good to me." Sam answered.

"Perfect. I'll be back in like 20 minutes." Dean said, grabbing his coat and his keys before heading back out the door.

Sam sighed contently and draped an arm around his girlfriend's waist, closing his eyes and he snuggled his nose into his girlfriend's shirt. "I'm tired."

"Awe, my poor moose." Y/N cooed playfully, continuing to gently play with his brown locks.

"You make a great pillow, you know that?" Sam murmured sleepily, a lazy smile on his face.

"I'm glad I can be of service to you." Y/N chuckled softly.

"Hey, Y/N?" Sam hummed.

"Hm?" Y/N replied.

"I love you. I love you a lot."

Y/N laughed softly at her boyfriend's sleepy state, bending over so she could press a soft kiss to the top of his head.

"I love you too."


When Dean returned 20 minutes later as promised, he couldn't help but smile a cheesy smile at the sight of his little brother and best friend as they cuddled together, sleeping peacefully.

A/N- Im sorry this is so short, but I love fluffy things like this ☺️ Hope you enjoyed! Requests are now open. Please leave them in my inbox or I will probably not see them. Thanks!! Love you guys!! ❤️ ~Hayden

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