Prologue - Birthday Party

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The music was blaring, the vibrations of the bass could be felt pulsing thorugh the floor as young people danced and crowded the already overflowing night club, it was almost claustrophobic. The lights were blinding and shining in almost every direction adding to the atmosphere. The bar was a busy, bustling commotion of drinks and crowds as the bar staff worked hard to provide drinks to the paying adults and not so legal teenagers using their fake ids. Various rooms were playing different styles of music, above the main floor was the V.I.P rooms which were private and had translucent sheets covering the windows, just enough to see silhouettes dancing and mingling almost as if it were a projection. Bouncers were stationed at the doors leading into the night club, tall, well built and very intimidating. Luxurious sofas and tables were placed around the walls providing a place for people to sit and enjoy the atmosphere as they partied with their friends or new found hook ups that would last one evening. The smell was almost intoxicating, the smell of alcohol, perfume and aftershave mingled into one, almost made you want to choke but it was bearable.

Ally looked around her as she and friend walked into the main room of the club. The idea of partying was foriegn to her and she was't one for drinking a lot of alcohol. It was her friends idea to come to this club and she wasn't going to let her friend go to a club without someone there to look after her and stop her from making bad decisions. Ally took a mental note of what she was wearing, a pair of jean shorts and a nice top and a pair of white converse, a lot more than what most of the girls in the club were wearing. She stood out like a sore thumb.

"Lighten up,'s my birthday remember, you promised you would come!" Her best friend, Ayami all but shouted over the music as she grabbed her friends hand and pulled her further into the club. "Besides, you never know...we could get lucky!"

Ayami was definitely the more adventurous of the two girls, she came from a family of two older sisters who got her a fake id and introduced her into the world of partying, boys and alcohol a couple of years ago. Ally was different, she moved to America with her American born mother when she was 5 and then returned when she was on the verge of becoming an adult herself to finish her education and to reconnect with her fathers roots and discover her Korean heritage, even though her parents split years ago. She met Ayami in school and the two became inseperable ever since, while they were total opposites, the two completed each other.

The girls went to the dance floor and decided to dance to some of the music before they did anything else. Ally found herself laughing and having a good time as the two best friends jumped around to some instrumental dubstep track. While she would never admit it, she was having fun. After dancing for a while, Ally shouted into her friends ear over the music that she was going to look for a toilet and would be right back as quick as she could.

Ally walked on into the club away from the main dance floor and into a corridor hoping she might come across the toilet. The crowds began to thin out the further into the club she went, maybe she had went the wrong way. She was about to head back to the main room of the club when she heard a strangled scream. Curiousity overtook her and she began to investigae the noise. A loud thud was head as well as she poked her head around the corner of the wall and nearly gasped out loud at the scene she saw. One man was being held up by another boy, obviously younger than him by his throat as he gasped for air.

"You here to spy on us?!" The boy growled at the man as he pushed his windpipe harder, making the man cry out in pain. Another boy who also stood in the hallway laughed sarcastically and landed a punch to the mans stomach making him wheeze. At this moment Ally let out a huge gasp, revealing that she was there, all three of the boys turned their heads and looked at her. Frozen like a deer in head lights Ally didn't know what to do.

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