you meet at a store part 1-sammy

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Heyyooo I'm back!😋 This one is a Sammy cuz he's clearly daddy material😍!!!!anyways lol hope you like it
Y/n pov
"Y/n!" My mom was telling from upstairs. "yeah!" I waited for her to tell me what she wanted. "Yeah!" Still no answer. Man she always do this shit. I grumbled rolling off my couch. (Seriously tho my mom always does that)

"Yeah mom?" My mom was sitting on her bed reading. "Can you go to the store for me?" I groaned but I'm lazyyy fudge! "Okayy can I use the car?" She nodded tossing me her credit card and the list. Yes! I get to use the car! I did a little victory dance

 Yes! I get to use the car! I did a little victory dance

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Mom looked at me like I lost my mind....I probably have.(same girl👊) I went and got dressed I threw on a pullover and some Nike yoga pants and left my straightened hair down

(same girl👊) I went and got dressed I threw on a pullover and some Nike yoga pants and left my straightened hair down

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I look....FABULOUS! I ain't with that no confidence deal. I grabbed the car keys and hopped in my mom's black car

Yes she bought this her damn self after the divorce with my dead beat dad

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Yes she bought this her damn self after the divorce with my dead beat dad.(Girl power!) I started It up and sped off towards walmart. Jack and jacks song 'like that' started playing. YASSSS! I turned it up louder and satrted dancing and singing to it.
before I knew I was parked...I wanna send a quick thank you to God who allowed me to live amen! I jumped out of the car stuffeing the credit card in my bra. (comment of you do this lmao)

I walked up to the sensor doors....hehehe open sesame. The doors automatically opened. "I have powers!" People were looking at me like I was insane. Crap I said that out loud! Eh oh well I grabbed a cart and rolled over to the bread section. "Hmm ok she wants sourdough...". I tossed it in the bag and skooted over to get 'cage free nature eggs' my mom's choice.

Now all thats left is milk. I rolled towards the milk shaking my hips to the song maneater by nelly furtado. I was so lost in the song I didn't realise there was some one behind me. After grabbing a gallon of milk still wiggling my hips I dropped it in the cart turning around...and running right into a god with brown eyes. My eyes popped out of my skull bruh did he see my whole 'shaking that ass' bit? Oh no no no! Ok just calm down act chill..."Jesus of holy fudge cake your hot!" (tbh I would say something like this lmao)

I slapped a hand over my mouth that was definitely chill, y/n you idiot! The boy turned red, hell if I wasn't so dark I'd be red too thank God for my brown skin! I removed my hand. "Erm I gonna go now...". Noooo what if your walking away from the father of your ten kids! Ok what? Gah! I started to walk away until I felt him grab my arm. "No wait!....uh I mean what's your name?" I stopped and tried to ignore the huge ball of happiness I just got. "Oh it's um...y/n what's yours?" He smiled letting go of my arm. "Sammy". That name is familiar....."yes I'm Sammy wilk". Oh right! He's in the video for the song 'like that' how ironic.

"Oh right yeah ha well um....y-you uh you were in the video of my favorite song!" He smiled. "Oh yeah haha well y/n your cute". Should I look down and act all cute and deny shit or be the flawless girl I am? I'll go with the second one. "You pronounced it wrong Its actually fabulous". He laughed and started laughing too. "Well y/n I gotta go but can I get your number so we can hang out?" I smiled super big. "Yeah gimme your phone cutie". He blushed again handing me his phone. I punched in my number and put this picture as my profile

 I punched in my number and put this picture as my profile

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Cause that's literally so true. I handed his phone back to him. "Haha really?" I nodded grinning. "Alright ms. Y/n you'll be heading from me". With that he walked away. YESS!

I love this with all my soul😆mostly because I just wrote indirectly about my life 😂 anyways hope you liked it! Part two is comin until then see ya!

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