your teacher-Shawn

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Helloooo this is a teaser I wanted to see if you guys wanted this imagine warning it's gonna be long asf!

Y/n pov
I stared dreamily off into space thinking of all the food I'm gonna eat when I get out of this hell hole they call prison oh excuse me I meant school.

"Y/L/n!" I jumped out of my daze and looked at my hot math teacher Mr mendes. He was glaring me down. "Can you explain to me why you weren't paying attention?"

I shifted awkwardly. "Sorry Mr. mendes." He went on with his lesson on linear whatever the fuck. Finally the bell rang everyone rushed out the class since this was last period. Until was just me and Mr. Mendes.

I packed my stuff and was about to walk out of the class "not so fast Ms y/L/n." I groaned and turned back around to his desk. I used my fake innocent voice. "Yes Mr. Mendes?" He leaned back in his chair exposing that really toned stomach of his. Well damn. " Ms y/L/n are you listening?" I looked up from his body. "Um I uh I'm sorry what were you saying?" He sighed. "You are in danger of failing my class I need you here everyday after-school for my personal tutoring for 2 weeks". Oh hell

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